Monday 11 November 2013

The next Messi!!

A typical school morning embraced us and sent us into a whirlwind of madness, all before 8.30! They were going down to the war memorial this morning so the hunt was on to find the poppies bought last  week. We got there eventually and headed off to school.

I spoke to Boy Wonder's teacher about keeping a hold of him whilst walking to the memorial as he is still quite high and erratic. She agreed to keep a close eye on him.

I received a phone call in the afternoon from Boy Wonder's art therapist who asked if we could change the time of his session as Boy Wonder had told him that it clashes with his schedule, in particular gymnastics! It made me smile that he would do this, it shows great initiative,

After football I picked Boy Wonder up and the coach spoke to me again about how talented Boy Wonder is on the field. He told me that it would be a shame to not let him train and that he would come on leaps and bounds. Apparently Boy Wonder has no fear on the pitch and boundless energy. He just goes for the ball and will tackle anyone to get it no matter what their size. I explained that, that was a perk of being autistic/ ADHD, no fear, no sense of danger and endless energy! We said that we would talk about him training but was concerned that the sessions would need to be structured otherwise Boy Wonder would struggle to cope.   We agreed up talk about it next week and take him for a trial.

We picked Cat Girl up and after nipping home to get changed, went swimming. Cat Girl did well again and seems to be enjoying it. Boy Wonder got his 200 metre badge which he was very pleased about.

We came home and watched the Junior Bake Off before bed. After this and speaking to Super Man about the intricate rules of football, Boy Wonder eventually settled down into bed.


  1. Great work bw, 200m - cool. Junior bake off??? Quick need to go and find it xxx

  2. It is on the Iplayer, can you get that? X

    1. Yes with a bit of jiggery pokey - thanks x
