Thursday 14 November 2013

A day of reflection ....

It's been a tough couple of months resulting in a major blow out on Tuesday that we should have seen coming and quite honestly rendered us helpless and hopeless for a short time. I think sometimes we get so used to managing complex needs that we miss the little triggers that tell us that the volcano is going to erupt rather than just smoulder. 

I spent a lot of time talking to people yesterday and managed to progress with a much needed medication review ( I am not a great believer in medication but neither can I sit back and watch my child dice with death.) Boy Wonder has such a fabulous medical team that we would be lost without them. To speak to someone on the phone and rant on about odd behaviour presentation and for them to say 'well he does this because....' Is a tremendous relief. It is very clear that the last couple of months have been a result of uncontrolled ADHD symptoms. This is one pig of a condition with such a huge attachment of misunderstanding thrown in. 

Boy Wonder's dance teacher hit the nail on the head today as she said to me that he has been very hyper this week but engaging with chit chat. 'However as soon as I instruct him to do something it's like I loose him as he stares into space.' I explained that it is because he is struggling to process and will zone out to try and make sense of the instruction. 

His piano tutor who we always joke is as hyper as Boy Wonder spoke to me about Tuesday and I apologised for missing his lesson. He reassured me not to worry and that if it ever happens again not to concerned about the lesson. I thanked him for his understanding. Why do these guys just get it when with others it's like smashing your head against a brick wall? Boy Wonder certainly has some good people on his side. 

Over the past couple of days we have been talking more and more to Cat Girl about Boy Wonder's condition and reading the 'My Bother is Different' book from the National Autistic Society. For a four year old she is very insightful and despite being at the brunt of some of Boy Wonder's anxiety she tries so hard to help him. I suppose this is one of the hardest things about having a child with complex needs, ensuring that the sibling also gets the right support. A very fine juggling act indeed!

I spoke with Boy Wonder's school today about the medication increase and asked the supply teacher if she had been updated on the past week? She hadn't so I did the honours in brief and in return she wrote a descriptive account of her morning with Boy Wonder. He is certainly becoming a bit of a handful! 

This evening we went to Jiu Jitsu after dance and forgot Boy Wonder's Gi (kit). The Sensi was very good and sorted him out with a spare. He also refrained from the usual lecture to the child about it being their responsibility ..... I think he took one look at us and taking into consideration the matter on Tuesday thought that we had had enough and needed a break!  Seriously though, this is another shining example of the fabulous support Boy Wonder has. 

Boy Wonder has just returned from Jiu Jitsu and is fairly settled, he looks exhausted !! ( Join the club !) 


  1. What a week. If you need any more support just say xx

  2. Thank you, we are fine. Nothing that an early night won't sort xx

  3. You have some wonderful people around you which is fabulous. What a shame they can't all be like that xx. P.s you are doing a fine job xxx
