Monday 18 November 2013


A typical school morning of struggling to motivate Boy Wonder to get up and then battling to get him to shower, dress and eat breakfast. 

We arrived at school just before the bell and spoke to his teacher about the weekend events. Namely that he had done his project with little prompting and the little matter of the soft play incident. 

I picked Boy Wonder up at 1.30pm for his art therapy review. He appeared quite chilled which was nice but although he understood that I was coming to talk to his art therapist, once we got in the room he went about his work and wouldn't entertain time out to talk. I was clearly in the way. We agreed that the sessions would continue as they were having a positive affect on him by there being little to no anxiety in the evenings after the sessions. Although we haven't yet worked out exactly why this happens, we agreed that it is certainly worth carrying on. I also made a point of telling the therapist that last night was the first time that Boy Wonder has ever instigated art or craft of any kind at home and made a wonderful picture of a dolphin!

Whilst Boy Wonder finished his art session I waited in the waiting room. The phone rang and it was the Occupational Therapist. She arranged to visit Boy Wonder at school and then at home on the 9th December for the sensory assessment. I am looking forward to the outcome of this as he has never had an O.T assessment before and I have a feeling that it could be quite insightful.

We returned to school after the session just in time to start football practice. Boy Wonder was team captain today and seemed to enjoy this. The coach was very keen to see if Boy Wonder was going to the football training later as discussed last week. I said yes and he reassured me that it would be structured and good for him. 

Super Man took Boy Wonder to football training whilst I took Cat Girl swimming. We then hurried back to go and see a friend perform in a Christmas performance at the local theatre. 

The performance was 'The Christmas Carol,' they did very well and we enjoyed it. The children sat well and watched. Unfortunately we had a couple of loud, intoxicated women behind us who laughed loudly, heckled and generally spoke all the way through it. Boy Wonder was very confused by their behaviour and asked a lot if questions after! I spoke the ladies in the interval and asked them to settle down but still they continued! 

We arrived home at just after 10pm, Cat Girl already asleep and Boy Wonder reasonably settled. We got them into bed and relaxed!!


  1. How annoying for you that the performance was marred by silly people x

  2. Grown women too, probably in their fifties and very drunk!!
