Tuesday 5 November 2013

Complicated Child!

The morning started in the usual fashion, a lengthily shower followed by a run around the house in the buff to 'dry off!' Getting him to eat breakfast was a huge chore and putting coat and shoes on for school, an impossible task! I am sure that most days I go to work for a rest.

We got to school and put the bags away. Boy Wonder ran off into the playground with just his fleece and didn't seem at all concerned about the rain starting to fall. The bell went and he bounced into the line to go into class.

Boy Wonder stayed for science club today and Cat Girl went to after school club. I picked them up and went off to Boy Wonder's piano lesson.  Boy Wonder ran out of school and immediately hid. When he does this I know that I am in for a rough ride! We got into the car and he shouted, thrashed around and generally lost all ability to control himself. We drove to piano where he calmed down enough to attend. Afterwards I asked the tutor how he got on, he stated that it was one of those days where he felt Boy Wonder didn't take in anything  but he will probably find next week that he retained everything ! I know what he means by that, complicated child !!

After Jiu Jitsu Boy Wonder came home and watched football on TV. He didn't appear settled and went into a repeatative rant about school monitors and not doing this anymore. There was no reasoning with him about this as he couldn't explain what was upsetting him. Will have to get more information on this tomorrow.

We had some good news today as Boy Wonder's MRI scan came back with no additional abnormalities other than the existing Chiari Malformation. That's one thing less to worry about at least!


  1. That's good news that the MRI was normal. Xx

  2. Your comment worked!! We got the letter today so at least that side of things is okay x

  3. Good, am pleased scan was clear
