Friday 8 November 2013

Impulsivity and the Friday Feeling

Boy Wonder was up very early this morning and had washed and dressed himself for school before 6.30am. He then bounced into his room and started to play loudly. I went in to see what he was up to and he had made a little hammock and hooked it to the underside of his bed and was swinging in it. He then shouted that he could hang himself and promptly went to wrap it around his neck! I stopped him promptly and pointed out that he could really hurt himself going this . It was clear that Boy Wonder had no concept of the danger of this at all. I removed the offending item and we went downstairs fur breakfast.

Amazingly we were still rushing around even though we had an early start. Boy Wonder was complaining of tummy ache so went into the conservatory to run around and generally distract himself!

At school I spoke to his teacher about the incident this morning, explaining that I was concerned due to it being an impulsive act rather than a low mood response and asked her to keep an eye on him.  I then informed her of the SEN decision which seemed to surprise her a little.

I emailed a few of Boy Wonder's medical / support team today to notify them of the decision.  I didn't do anything further with it being Friday and not much happens on Fridays!

Boy Wonder had another unsettled day at school, complaining of headache and tummy aches. However this settled during the afternoon as it was play activities. Super Man then took him to get his hair cut after school.

Cat Girl informed us this evening that she is a star in the Christmas play. We told her that she would make a very good star :-)

They both have a JiuJitsu competition tomorrow which they are looking forward to. I just hope that we can get there for a 9 am start!


  1. Good luck to them both on their competitions today. Look forward to hearing all about it later. Still can't get over the educational statement being refused. Xx

  2. Unsettling hammock incident! Good luck for competitions though I have just read outcome in fb - don't want to give it away xxxxxxxx
