Tuesday 12 November 2013

A Meltdown and Some!

The usual madness to start the day with the added bonus of a Boy Wonder panicking over his kitten going out for the day ( Although they have been let out  for the last couple of days and he hasn't been overly concerned.) a classic example of processing delay I feel!

We arrived at school and realised that it was the book fayre. I explained to Boy Wonder that we could put the books to one side and I would pay for them after school or in the morning due to them being at after school club . Boy Wonder appeared to accept this and picked a book on Mine Craft and Cat Girl picked a book about 'pink.' We put them to one side to pick up later.

I picked them up after school clubs after a day of emails and phone calls about the SEN refusal and meetings etc. we think we have found a suitable O.T who specialises in autism and sensory integration. She is going to call us to arrange a meeting soon.

I arrived at the school and picked Cat Girl up first and then Boy Wonder. As Boy Wonder came out of the classroom he got called back and in front of parents and children and his own teacher got told off for kicking a child. He did the bare minimum to get away from her and ran into the next corridor and curled up on a chair. I explained to his teacher that what had just happened wasn't appropriate and this needed to be dealt with before I took him out of school. She agreed and asked Boy Wonder to come back into the her classroom to talk about it. This was easier said than done and through what seemed like a sea of parents and children I had to practically carry him into the classroom. His teacher attempted to talk to him about the situation but he wasn't processing her long and complicated sentences ( although she was trying to be nice, she was being very wordy.) I let her finish and then spoke to him in shorter sentences and we managed to ascertain that a child had upset him so he became angry and kicked a girl on the leg. The girl hasn't upset him but was the closest person to him at the time. We went through the motions of telling him that it wasn't appropriate and what he should go instead but it was clear that he was struggling and was trying to remove himself from the situation by hiding behind me.

We left the school and no sooner had we got out of the gate Boy Wonder pushed Cat Girl, she pushed him back so he pushed her harder. I herded them into the car but Boy Wonder started to climb into the boot and then over the seats. I settled him down and we put on Starlight Express for him to sing and calm down to. He demanded that Cat Girl didn't sing or make a noise. She of course wasn't happy about this and started to get upset. I reassured her and she started to settle. I explained to Boy Wonder that he could sing but if Cat Girl wanted to sing that was okay too. Within a couple of minutes Cat Girl who had gone quiet suddenly started to cry loudly. I asked her what the matter was but she was too upset to answer. I asked Boy Wonder what had happened and he said calmly that he had hit her over the head with a lump of plastic.  I asked him why he had done this and he became aggressive saying that he had to shut her up, I pulled over in a car park and checked Cat Girl over. There was no mark but she was clearly upset. I moved her into the front seat and then spoke to Boy Wonder who was very fidgety and clearly distressed. I explained to him that he was making the car an unsafe place to be and that at the moment I couldn't carry on driving whilst he was being so aggressive. Boy Wonder said that be needed to go home as if he went to Jiu Jitsu he would hurt some people. He appeared very calm when talking and explained categorically that he was telling me what he would do to hurt others. I told him that I am worried that he will hurt himself or someone else and he agreed. He also said that he couldn't control his anger.

I got out of the car and stood outside of it and  spoke to Superman over the phone and we agreed that I would take him to Jiu Jitsu and explain what had happened and give him the opportunity to thrash it out positively. I got back in the car and explained to Boy Wonder that we were going to  Jiu Jitsu and to allow him to get rid of some energy positively. He didn't seem to react too much to this so I asked him what else had upset him. After a bit of a difficult start he started to tell me that he had fallen out with two friends today, his routine had changed due to an RE day and he wanted his Mine Craft book.

We arrived at Jiu Jitsu and spoke to the Sensi who said that he was happy to work through Boy Wonder's anger with him. When Super Man picked him up later on he appeared happier. Sensi explained that they had had a chat and them went into the session. Boy Wonder had then started to settle. Boy Wonder came home and although appeared calmer was clearly bubbling under the surface. A long night I feel!


  1. Oh boy. That sounded tough. Hope your night was better xx

  2. Think it will be a while before things settle. Will keep hitting the caffeine!! X
