Wednesday 27 November 2013

A funny old night!!

Both seemed tired and reluctant to get up this morning, even the kittens were failing to rouse them! Eventually we got there and after showering and dressing Boy Wonder as he was unable to focus for long enough to do it himself; we went down for breakfast. After a lot more 'all over the placeness' we left for school.

At school we handed Cat Girl's party invites to her teacher to check that we hadn't missed anyone ( she told me later that we had missed 3!) and then went to see Boy Wonder's teacher to check in.

I picked them up after school and Boy Wonder seemed on edge. He put his leg out in front of Cat Girl as she was running towards the steps. I stopped him just in time, that could have been nasty. I asked Boy Wonder why he did it and he said that he needed to stop her as she shouldn't be running. I explained to him what could have happened and that he could have really hurt her. He said that he didn't mean to hurt her, just stop her.

We drove straight to Ju Jitsu via MacDonalds and ate Happy Meals in the car before dropping Cat Girl off. It was a slight change in routine today as I was going to stay with Boy Wonder to support during the dress rehearsal for the Christmas show.  Whilst in the car I asked Boy Winder about his day and if any of his friends had been upset ( a tip off I received!) He told me that two of his friends had fell out and were not nice to each other. He was clear that he wasn't involved but didn't know how to deal with it. This  would explain the tetchy mood. I reassured him that tomorrow is a different day and that I am sure it will be forgotten ( maybe.)

Boy Wonder got ready for the show once we got there and all in all it went very well. They are certainly a talented bunch of children and teachers. After the dress rehearsal we came home and settled down.

Boy Wonder sat down with his DS and Cat Girl went to get her pjs on. She then started to throw a massive paddy about onsies being too hot and pjs being too cold! This went on forever and she screamed, banged on the floor, shouted ...... Boy Wonder was shocked by such behaviour! 'Whatever is the matter with her?' He said. I explained the hot, cold problem to him and he said ' What else is there to put on?' Exactly my point!! I explained to Boy Wonder that she is probably just tired and he thought this was odd ' Why doesn't she just go to bed then ?' Such a simple solution !

After about half an hour Cat Girl calmed down, she chose the original pjs and settled into bed and I read her the same book I read her every night. She was soon asleep.

Boy Wonder took longer to settle but at about 10pm all went quiet and Super Man found him on the landing wrapped in a blanket. He moved him off to bed and eventually he fell to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh paddy's - don't miss them bit at least you know they grow out of them x
