Sunday 3 November 2013

Kitten training anxiety

Whatever the children got up to yesterday it wore them out. Neither of them got up until 9am! This is unheard of! We had a slow morning, just getting things ready for school and tidying up mainly.

Boy Wonder played Mindcraft and did this for quite some time. We then had lunch and went out to a couple of shops. Super man showed Boy Wonder some electronics sets to try and gage his interest ( for Santa.) he seemed to really like the circuit board and the laser guns! We finished off in a 'rammel' shop ( cheap and cheerful) and he bought a Bop It ( as apparently this will calm him down!) and a DVD on a dolphin story. He is obsessed with Dolphins at the moment.  Boy Wonder also searched the shop for a kitten tracking device but didn't find anything suitable ( strangely!)

We came home and spent some time kitten training, getting them to use the new cat flap. Boy Wonder became quite panicky about his cat being out alone and possibly going near the road. We agreed that he could watch him but not chase after him. Later on, Kitten in one piece and Boy Wonder hugely relieved, he set about doing his homework. This entailed looking out of the window for 5 minutes and doing a tally of the different animals / creatures you see. I have to say that the result was true genius. Boy Wonder sat himself in the conservatory and simply counted the pets. 5 chickens, 3 rabbits and 1 fly that was on the window! Job done and not a great deal that I could add to that.

This evening we watched the dolphin film that they both really enjoyed. They sat there with the toy cats purchased from Hamley's yesterday as well as Boy Wonder's cuddly dolphin. He couldn't quite get it into his head that it was based on a true story and asked lots of questions over and over again. As the evening wore on this became a theme. Watching a science programme about replicating a planet, Boy Wonder couldn't grasp the concept at all. He became agitated and intense with his questioning. He then used his phone to find dolphin experiences and started pleading with us to take him. I said that we would look at it.

Eventually he wore himself out and fell to sleep on the sofa. Back to school tomorrow !


  1. Where is it he wants to go? To an aquarium or somewhere further away where you can swim with them? Glad you got a lie in x

  2. He wants to swim with them. Any ideas? X

  3. Florida? I can't think of anywhere in UK though may have read somewhere about Wales though may be a bit cold! Xx. Good luck x
