Thursday 26 September 2013


Boy Wonder resorted to reading the bible last night. That really isn't a bad thing in general terms however for him it is a tell tale sign that anxiety is high. He eventually settled but not for long and in the morning I found him in bed with an entire toilet roll wrapped around his arm! His explanation being that he thought he had broken it in the night. And this was really a measure for how the day continued!

 Boy Wonder had a lengthily shower whilst sat down cross legged in the shower tray. He eventually came out and I helped him to get dressed and cleaned his teeth. He was very flighty this morning.

On the way to school, Boy Wonder asked to listen to the news, an odd request. I explained that it wasn't on at that particular time. He said nothing further.  We got into school and he immediately ran off and was later found playing in the toilets. He was removed and put in his class line for when the bell went.

I got back into the car and the news came on. It announced that it was April Jones' funeral today. The little girl from Wales who was abducted and murdered a year ago. Boy Wonder became very obsessed with this at the time and for a long while after so it dawned on me that he had heard this news and was becoming anxious over it again,

 I picked Boy Wonder and Cat Girl up from school. Boy Wonder's teacher explained that he had just nipped to the toilet. I said that I bet he has told her that and had really gone to pick up Cat Girl from the infant end of the school. The teacher went one way and I went the other, She found them both, he had done what I thought he had done. His teacher and I explained to Boy Wonder that he should tell the truth and not go off and do something different. Boy Wonder seemed to understand but wasn't at all happy about it.

We walked out of the gates and Boy Wonder started! To start with he felt ill and said that he had felt ill with tummy ache and headache all day. He then said that the man that he had walked past this morning was smoking and this had infected him. We got in the car where he shouted and cried for quite a while. I dropped him off at dance which didn't seem to improve his mood any.

His frame of mind didn't get  any better after dance. We got in the car to pick Cat Girl up from Jiu
Jitsu . As we parked outside waiting, a TNT delivery lorry stopped on the other side of the road. Boy Wonder became upset and shouted  'stop bringing bombs!' I explained that TNT were a delivery company and didn't deliver bombs! This evolved into a full discussion on explosives.

Boy Wonder continued to say that he was ill but still played out once home and went to Kobudo. Once home later he went up to bed with his Bible stories.

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