Sunday 8 September 2013

Not such a quiet day

Boy Wonder was up fairly early after his kitten got upstairs and jumped on him! He thought that this was funny and became quite excitable.

This morning they played in the conservatory, Cat Girl with her princesses and Boy Wonder lining up his Playmobil policemen. He then went off to dance after having brunch.  He  is very excited about dance at the moment as they are working towards dance exams in ballet and tap. Of course if we called them exams he would freak out but we just call them gradings like in Jiu Jitsu and he's fine with that. By all accounts he is very good at dance, maybe because it is structured and routine led. He attempted street dance first but hated it, freestyle requires imagination and natural rhythm. These don't come easy to Boy Wonder. I suppose that most ballet dancers rely on natural rhythm and technique to perform whereas I think Boy Wonder relies soley on technique. I wonder if there is a noticeable difference when performing, especially as he gets better at it? I guess only time can answer  that question.

After dance we went to my work 's summer fayre. Boy Wonder gets fixated on raffles and Tombolas so we give him a set amount of money and leave him to it. He stops when it runs out! It was very busy with lots to do. Boy Wonder became high and excitable and this continued throughout. He won numerous teddies and other tombola prizes and a small raffle prize. He particularly enjoyed the stocks and penalty shoot out which cooled him down somewhat!

Boy Wonder remained in high spirits for the rest of the evening, getting quickly to the point of not listening and processing being very slow. We attempted to engage him in something quiet and eventually he settled on reading an instruction manual for science experiments. I wonder what delights this will bring tomorrow!!

So much for a quiet day, will try again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Plenty of festivals here, bet we can find you some tombola s. x
