Sunday 22 September 2013

Research and Reports Kinda Day!

Boy Wonder was up at a reasonable hour this morning and excited to be going to Gulliver's Kingdom! He had a lengthily shower and got dressed with little help. The contrast between week day ability and weekend ability is quite alarming! 

Whilst Cat Girl went for her swimming lesson, Boy Wonder and I made a start on his power point presentation on Mammals in the Atlantic Ocean. I showed him the workings of power point which he seemed very interested in and picked up quickly. We then set to work gathering information on whales, dolphins and pinnipeds ( Finn footed mammals !)  Boy Wonder brought loads of books off of the book shelf and searched through them. We Googled and found some good images and managed to do six slides of work. A good start!

We went off to Gulliver's Kingdom, having a picnic enroute.   It wasn't too busy as we got there but Boy Wonder was becoming really quite stressy. We saw some odd behaviour today. This mainly consisted of him having total disregard for anything or anyone and doing  his own thing. Not great at a theme park, especially when he ran off on two occasions and put himself on a ride!  Nether the less we had a good time and they got to meet the Zingzillas, so a good day all in all.

This evening Boy Wonder completed his questionnaire for the statutory assessment. I have to say that this was the first time he has actually been honest  to others about what he finds  hard. In short he wrote 'reading, waiting, changes and sitting still.' We also finished our questionnaire which totalled 9 pages! And yes I am thorough but made sure Super Man read it through  as he is good at 'de-rambling'  and he didn't remove a word . Lets hope it now pays off ! 

We are meeting with Boy Wonder's art therapist tomorrow to discuss the therapy programme that he will be delivering. The plan is that working with him in a less formal way will allow Boy Wonder to talk or draw out his worries. It's worth a try and has worked with his sessional therapist in social stories, so fingers crossed.

Tomorrow afternoon Boy Wonder is seeing his Consultant for a meds review and an update. A day of appointments tomorrow! 


  1. Good work BW on PowerPoint. Never knew pinniped. Hope appointments go well x

  2. I would love to be an audience for Boy Wonders presentation. Will be thinking of you regards appointments today. Xx

  3. Might just take you up on that, told him that he needs to practice! Will let you know how the appointments go, hopefully there won't be any surprises! X
