Sunday 8 September 2013

Boys will be Boys!!

This morning we were greeted with words written on the mirrors upstairs. Superman had a shower and the word 'boo' appeared on the bathroom mirror. Boy Wonder promptly informed us that he had learnt how to do this when reading the science experiment instruction manual last night. Apparently it is done with soap and is invisible until the mirror steams up.

Boy Wonder spent the morning with the boy next door ( a bit older than him) building a den in the 'woods' a bit of waste land at the side of our garden. It was really quite nice watching them play, Boy Wonder being gently guided into a secret den scenario by his older friend. I intervened only once to tell Boy Wonder not to pull down the garden fence to use for his den.  He was a little miffed as he said that it was just what they needed. I explained that the fence was already being used for something so it wasn't to be used. 'Really' he said ' What is that then?' I diverted him with a couple of pieces of stray wood in the garden! Superman  then took them blackberrying whilst Cat Girl and I did some baking. Boy Wonder returned with a big bag of blackberries squashed to bits as he had been banging the bag against his leg whilst walking home with them! Nice attempt though.

Later in the day the boys went back to den building and tree climbing, later being joined by Boy Wonder's friend's big brother. He said he had some tips to give them about den building! Boy Wonder came back in not to long after saying that his friend had been naughty after being dared by his big brother to 'poop in the woods.' Oh dear.  Shortly after we were joined by his friend's mum who wanted Boy Wonder to tell her what had happened. Boy Wonder told her the specifics of the matter and added that it was okay because he did wipe himself using a leaf!

We ended the evening by playing chess. Boy Wonder is getting quite good at this game and enjoys the battle theme. He also spends a lot of time adding up the values of the pieces and calculating his best move! We left the game to finish off tomorrow as it was getting late and Boy Wonder needed to get ready for bed.  He went upstairs and watched a DVD before going to sleep.


  1. Wow how do you calculate pieces in chess. Good job as they say here. Poop in woods was funny especially his explanation xx

  2. They all have individual values so he works out if it is worth taking something for what he might loose. Of course I laughed but he said it with such a straight face! X
