Tuesday 10 September 2013

School Rules Police!

A morning like any other school day this morning. I tried a new tactic of sending Boy Wonder's kitten in to rouse him but this had little effect! We got ready, had breakfast and dragged him to school!

We had a bit of a situation to sort out this morning which Boy Wonder enlightened me about during the night.( I had to sleep with him for most of it because he just couldn't settle.) A girl in his class had told him that she was a billionaire and that her dad will bring Boy  Wonder a Lewis Hamilton racing car on Friday. I had suggested to Boy Wonder that she may have been joking but he was very clear that this girl didn't lie and the teacher would confirm that! Wonderful!   I spoke to his teacher about this and we discussed a suitable approach to letting Boy Wonder down gently.

I picked Boy Wonder and Cat Girl up from after school club and was informed that Boy Wonder had lost his coat and bumped his head and Cat Girl had got the wrong bag and hadn't eaten any dinner. A successful school day all round then it seems! Boy Wonder picked up on the fact that Cat Girl hadn't eaten her dinner and was astounded as to how she had gotten away with it! The staff explained that force feeding children is not allowed and smiled at him.

We got in the car and the fun began! I am a bit out of practice with car meltdowns I have to say, but the new bigger car served its sole purpose and meant that albeit loud and unpleasant, no one got hurt! Boy Wonder had become very distressed about Cat Girl breaking the school rules and just couldn't understand how this could have happened. He couldn't accept the fact that Cat Girl is quite restricted with the menu due to her lactose intolerance and it wasn't that she wouldn't eat but more that she couldn't eat what was on offer.   Boy Wonder was not processing at this point and so I left him to calm whilst I drove. He then started complaining of tummy ache.

We arrived at the piano lesson and took Boy Wonder for his session, pretty certain that the distraction would help. After half an hour of this he did indeed come out smiling. This quickly disappeared as the tummy ache returned. Jiu Jitsu was the last activity of the evening and although Boy Wonder wasn't refusing to go, he seemed quite uncomfortable.  I dropped him off at Jiu Jitsu with the understanding that they would ring me if Boy Wonder was unwell. We all knew that once he was in the session that he would be okay.

Boy Wonder returned from Jiu Jitsu in high spirits and eager to watch football. He went up to bed and watched until he fell to sleep.  

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