Monday 23 September 2013

Nightmares, Headaches and a Sing Song

Last night was a long, long night. Boy Wonder was encouraged to read in bed ( in hope that it would make him sleepy.) Six books later and he was still wide awake, running up and down stairs getting new books to read. When he finally got to sleep he quickly awoke shouting out. I went up to him and he was upset. He explained that he had had a nightmare where the pedometer he had lost earlier in the day had come to find him and kill him! He had been worried about losing it, but I didn't realise how much!  I ended up going in his bed with him to get him to sleep, it was getting very late .

This morning Boy Wonder got up late and we entered into our usual mad rush before school.  He ate breakfast and ran outside to play football. Cat Girl and I got everything together and I herded them into the car.  Once at school I reminded his teacher that I needed to pick him up at 12:30 because of the hospital appointment we had.

This morning I was meeting with the arts therapist that Boy Wonder had been referred to. The meeting was it 10 o'clock when I got there we had a good chat about Boy Wonder's needs. He spoke to me about how he supports children with anxiety through Art. It all sounded very interesting and quite possibly something that Boy Wonder would enjoy and get something out of. He starts his sessions next week and has a once a week slot for the next six weeks. The sessions are then reviewed to see if they are helping Boy Wonder.

I picked Boy Wonder up from school after his dinner and we travelled to the hospital to see his Consultant. We spoke about his headaches and that because he struggles with describing pain ( or indeed feeling it at times!) they would want to do another MRI scan to see if the headaches are linked to his Chiari Malformation. Aside from that, he tweaked the Melatonin by adding in some slow release and that was that.

Boy Wonder returned to school for the last half an hour so that he could join in after school football and I went home to catch up on some work. It wasn't long before I was out again to pick Boy Wonder up from football and Cat Girl up from after school club. Both seemed quite happy although Boy Wonder was inattentive  and loud. It had been a strange day for him so not surprising.

They went for swimming lessons and on the way sang 'beautifully' to Starliught Express. Boy Wonder explained to Cat Girl that he is naturally a perfect singer and that he can sing like anyone, exactly as they sound. Cat Girl lost interest in this very quickly, not that Boy Wonder noticed! He was busy singing at the top of his voice!

Swimming went without a hitch and Super Man met us at the leisure centre to take Boy Wonder home for his session with his education worker. I stayed back to watch Cat Girl  swimming. She did really well and is coming on now and has lots of confidence.

Boy Wonder had a good session this evening doing social stories about it being okay to say that we are feeling unwell if we are. They also spoke about why some people get tummy ache or headaches if they are worried. Hopefully this has gone some way to reassure him that it is okay to tell his teacher if he feels unwell.

He watched a DVD before bed and then read several books. Sleep is not looking likely any time soon!

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