Wednesday 18 September 2013

Never Felt a Thing!

Another rushed morning due to a lengthily shower. Boy Wonder was full of attitude this morning and  really quite vile! Lots of back chat, being awful to Cat Girl and messing about. It earnt him a time out on the bottom step. This isn't a very successful strategy as he frets when alone but it was out of sheer desperation to get him to stop. It had some affect as after a minute I allowed him back into the kitchen to eat breakfast and until we left the house to get in the car for school he did stay calm. However, as soon as we got in the car, wild child returned!

I delivered them both into school, spoke with Cat Girl's teacher about the dinner time situation ( she said that she would take Cat Girl in first and make sure she is let out to play after half an hour ) and left.  I then spent the next half an hour tracking down sensitive diet kitten food for our two kittens that  keep randomly being sick! Two pet shops later I got what they needed and went back to school to fetch Boy Wonder for his blood test ( testing for bowel inflammation.)

At the surgery we waited to be called to see the nurse. When it was Boy Wonder's turn she appeared slightly panicked about his age to the point where I thought she was going to refuse. I convinced her that he was really not bothered and that she should just explain to him what she needed to do and do it. And it was as simple as that. Boy Wonder never even flinched. I would go so far as to say that he probably didn't feel it at all! He discussed with the nurse about how much blood she had taken and how long it would take his body to make it up again and then we left to go back to school.

After school we went to drama and Jiu Jitsu. On the way Cat Girl told me that she had eaten her dinner and gone out to play, result! Boy Wonder said that he had, had a headache for two hours. Not so great. They both enjoyed their clubs, Boy Wonder got his part for the Christmas production playing the 'toy maker,' and Cat Girl had learnt to shout very loudly!

This evening we played spelling test bingo which worked a lot better than expected as both Boy Wonder and Cat Girl practiced their words without protest!  ( the chocolate may have helped!)

Wearing their new fleece onesies ( peppa pig and buzz light year ) which I bought whilst they were at clubs, they went to bed and settled down. ( however Boy Wonder is still awake as I write due to breaking his laptop and waiting for Super Man to fix it!)


  1. Sucker for punishment? Now you have kittens with dietary problems. You would be bored in a normal mundane life. Xx

  2. They were fine till they went to a Cattery. Lesson learnt there! :-) the rabbits and chickens are all fine so that's something I suppose xx
