Sunday 1 September 2013

More Toothpaste?!

Last night was indeed a late one. Bed wetting is becoming more problematic as the anxiety increases. We think that the physical signs that our bodies give us to tell us go to the loo are blocked by the head fuzz Boy Wonder experiences when his anxiety heightens and processing becomes more delayed. We hang on to the 'hope' that the school nurse says that bed wetting in boys under eight years old is normal. (We will start to worry in October then?!) It is frustrating at times when professionals can't see what is in front of their eyes - it is anxiety driven you fool!!

Boy Wonder slept in whilst I took Cat Girl to her swimming lesson. The swimming on holiday has really brought her on. She's is going into group lessons next week now that she is of school age. Her first lesson being tomorrow. When we returned home Boy Wonder was up and jumping on the sofa whilst watching kids tv. Who says he can't multi task?! Super Man was mowing the lawn. I prepared dinner and we went for a leisurely walk at Sherwood Pines whilst the children rode their bikes.

Before our walk we had a chat about pocket money and that we would like to start giving them both pocket money each week to teach them the value of money. In return they would need to tidy up after themselves without fuss! A big ask but it's worth.a shot!  Boy Wonder became bogged down by the detail and wanted to know exactly what he could use it for? I explained that he could buy what he wanted or needed if he had enough money. He stopped and thought briefly and then explained that he has nearly run out of toothpaste, would he need to buy himself some more ?

Unfortunately, the leisurely stroll turned into a three mile hike! We took a wrong turn and ended up on the longer route which was a bit too bumpy for Cat Girl's stabilisers. Between Super Man and I we pushed her round the whole route! Boy Wonder would usually be off but he went a little way and waited, let us catch up and went a little way and waited and so on.  Not in adventurer mode today! Before leaving we went onto the park but again Boy Wonder showed little interest only in finding Cat Girl who was off playing.

On returning home we were greeted by cousins who had also been on a bike ride. The kids played a bit, more so with the kittens but had fun running about. We then had dinner and watched a DVD before bed. It's always a mistake to watch a new film with Boy Wonder as he questions every aspect of it and misses the point of it completely! The second time around ( or the fourth, fifth, sixth .....) he remembers everything and then tells you what is coming next throughout!

We are attempting an early night tonight in hope that Boy Wonder settles down at a reasonable hour :-)


  1. Hey that's an idea, give them pocket money and send them for the weekly shop - yay! Xx

  2. You trial it and let me know how you get on! :-) although Boy Wonder would be a whizz at Internet shopping
