Monday 9 September 2013


Up but not bright and not early this morning. Tired grumpy and complaining of tummy ache instead. Boy Wonder barely ate breakfast and seemed distracted. We went to school and had a quick chat with his teacher about his tummy ache. He seemed to be quite a bit brighter at this point.

I picked him up an hour before school finished to visit the school Doctor. We spoke in the car about  the appointment and what the Doctor would want to talk about.  However, Boy Wonder became very preoccupied by the hospital and that he hadn't been there before. The Doctor was ten minutes late seeing him and he was becoming quite stressed about this. The Doctor explained what she needed to know, starting from when Boy Wonder was a baby. He interrupted me throughout with snippets of very accurate information that I didn't even know that he knew! Escaping the car seat as a toddler, details about what time he was born and when we left the hospital. All very bizarre! We then refocused and started answering questions about school. Boy Wonder responded by saying ' Stupid school, that's alliteration that is. School is uncool, that's rhyming.' He then continued with numerous little repetitive rhymes about school.

I asked him to tell the Doctor about anything that he didn't really like. At this point he disengaged and started pretending to be a tank, using the chair as his tank and moving it loudly across the floor trying to exterminate the Doctor!  It took quite a while to distract him and when I managed to do so he sat and started copying me word for word, staring at me intently.  I had to talk more firmly to Boy Wonder to try and bring him back to what the Doctor wanted to do and he stopped copying and started jumping on the treatment bed asking if that is where she slept?! We decided to draw the meeting to a close and I asked the Doctor to ring me if she needed further information. I think this is one if those times where actions speak louder than words! 

On the way to the car I asked Boy Wonder if he was alright and why he had behaved in such a way? He looked confused and said that he didn't like the hospital as it was too different. He appeared to have no understanding of his behaviour being inappropriate and asked me genuinely if he had done well answering the Doctor's questions? I reassured him that he had done well in the circumstances. This wasn't uncommon behaviour in all honesty, in fact quite typical of an anxious little boy. 

We picked up Cat Girl and went swimming. The exercise was a welcome distraction. He had a lengthily warm shower afterwards and we went home in time to see his sessional worker for his first meeting since the school holidays. 
They did some work on being back at school through social stories and talked about being in a new class. Boy Wonder was fidgeting and flighty so little was achieved, however it had been a busy and intense day so it was hardly surprising. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. The doctor didn't seem well equipped for the meeting. X
