Tuesday 17 September 2013

Literal Intensity!!

No sooner had I published the blog last night, Boy Wonder was up saying that he couldn't sleep. He seemed very preoccupied but wasn't able to say why. We convinced him to go back to bed and read. He chose a book on super trucks, if that doesn't get him to sleep nothing will! However he was still awake when we went to bed, oh dear.

Another lengthily shower this morning meant a bit of a rush, especially as Boy Wonder insisted on pancakes for breakfast. He seemed very excited about Super Scientist club after school and that he had 'inside information !' The Grandfather of a boy in his class was taking the group and had told Boy Wonder what they would be doing.

I picked both Boy Wonder and Cat Girl up after school clubs. Boy Wonder was excitable and demanding. Cat Girl was just not happy. The teacher explained that she took some encouragement to get started on gardening as they were weeding the beds. I said that Cat Girl has never really been one for manual labour! Cat Girl told me later that she didn't like the club, didn't like the people and wanted to be at after school club with her old nursery teacher. Cat Girl really doesn't like change, lots of people ( it was a big group) and being told to do things that she doesn't want to do. It really makes you wonder who is the autistic one sometimes!

It became clear as we drove to piano why Boy Wonder was tetchy. He started telling me about Cat Girl having to stay in all dinner time to eat her dinner and that she had only eaten potato and an apple. Cat Girl started to cry as Boy Wonder got more and more worked up by the matter. I told Boy Wonder not to worry about it and that Cat Girl and I would have a chat about it later, reassuring Cat Girl that it was okay even though it clearly wasn't.  Cat Girl isn't a bad eater but is lactose intolerant so her diet can be quite restrictive. However the more emphasis that is put on her eating the more upset she becomes ( naturally). Boy Wonder is obviously not helping the situation.

Boy Wonder went for his piano lesson and Cat Girl and I went to the bakers for sausage rolls and gingerbread men. We then spoke about dinners at school and agreed that packed lunches may be the better option for her. There is only so long a little girl can live on potato and apple!

After piano we spoke to Boy Wonder's teacher about practicing. Because the teacher wasn't specifically telling Boy Wonder what to practice and how long for after each lesson, he took it that he didn't need to practice at all. The teacher had a chat with him and explained that he would expect him to practice for ten minutes a day. Boy Wonder agreed to this happily!

We dropped Boy Wonder off at Jiu Jitsu and went home. Super Man picked him up later and when they got home, watched the end of The GreatBritish Bake Off, biscuit stacking. Boy Wonder promptly went into the kitchen and attempted the same with mini pancakes, sticking them together with jam. That's supper sorted!

He went off to bed to settle down with his book ......

1 comment:

  1. Where is the photo of the stacked pancakes. Brilliant. Hope cg's dinners get sorted x
