Sunday 29 September 2013


Boy Wonder has had a busy weekend in part starting with his dance class on Saturday morning. The local football team was playing at home against another local team so the town was very busy. Luckily we got there on time ( just ), parking was more of a pain than ever! Cat Girl and I resorted to sitting in the car waiting whilst Boy Wonder had his lesson.

After dance we met Boy Wonder's new 1:1 support worker, she had planned to take him out for a few hours. They went off and Cat Girl and I went to Meadow Hall to collect Super Man's watch which had to go in for a service / battery. Cat Girl persuaded me with her doeful eyes that we needed to go to Build a Bear and get a cat! As if we don't have enough cats! It was very busy so we left after this and came home.  BoyWonder came home a little later. He seemed to have a good afternoon but was a bit unsettled. A new thing for him though so we will see how it goes.

In the evening I went to a Murder Mystery evening ( hence no blog yesterday, sorry!) it was a good night, and my skills as an 'autism parent' stood me in good stead  as I questioned everything and left no stone unturned! And like so many of our lives, there was a twist at the end which meant that even though we were bang on track throughout, we were side lined at the end! Will get it next time!!

We had a lazy Sunday morning where Boy Wonder spent time with his kitten. The kitten was snuggling up to Boy Wonder and he remarked ' He has learnt to trust me now and see me as his rightful owner.'  How sweet!

We then attempted some literacy homework which he struggled with the concept of and wasn't able to take in the mix of instructions, meaning that what would have been a straightforward exercise became complicated by bumph. Boy Wonder doesn't do bumph, he much prefers the straightforward approach.

We spent the afternoon at the local park den building and conkering. The children weren't too taken with conkering so the adults played whilst they built dens. A lovely sunny afternoon, homemade Victoria sponge and chocolate muffins and happy children. A lovely combination 

We returned home this evening and Boy Wonder quickly altered in presentation. He complained of tummy ache, struggling with noise and insisting on quiet. I attempted to talk to him but he was becoming very angry because I should know how ill he feels. We agreed that he would rest in the dining room and watch TV. Boy Wonder ate tea and settled in front of a re run of Great British Bake Off. 

Hopefully he will settle soon as we have an early hearing assessment appointment tomorrow at the City Hospital .....


  1. I missed hearing all about my grandson last night! Lovely seeing him today though x

  2. Are you sure this was just one weekend? Xx

  3. Good to catch up, this was a quiet weekend Famfa! X
