Tuesday 24 September 2013


It was another night of sleeping with Boy Wonder to get him to sleep. Eventually he settled but had developed an awful cough that kept waking him up. Consequently it was a disturbed night with a very restless boy.

We got up, got ready for school in the usual fashion and stumbled out of the door into the car. Boy Wonder announced as we got to school that he was wearing odd shoes. We decided that because they were similar that it was okay! Well they were both black!

After dropping them off I went to work to train out a first aid course and was very pleased ( on this occasion ) that only half the candidates arrived  as I needed to leave early for a school meeting. Course completed I managed to get there on time.

The school meeting was to discuss the Educational Psychologist's report for the statutory assessment. After a couple of observations, teacher and pupil questionnaires and history reports the conclusion was quite frankly that Boy Wonder, although obviously tense in a classroom situation doesn't require a statement of special educational need as he waits till he gets home to 'vent!' Needless to say that this  opened up a whole debate on responsibility and consequences. (Again ) Talk about de-jar-vu, I  am sure we had this 'discussion' at the tribunal to get a statutory assessment in the first place (and won)  

Yes, it would be fair to say that we are a little miffed but firmly in the battle zone! It seriously concerns me that not only Boy Wonder but other children with additional needs  don't get the help that they desperately need  because they spend their time containing their anxiety because they don't want to break the school rules. And we know that these children are generally academically bright but what good is that if they are or will become clinically depressed or riddled with anxiety?

After the meeting Super man played mum and took the kids to their clubs as I had a PTA meeting to attend. I picked Boy Wonder up after my meeting where I agreed the role of vice chair for the next year and told him this on the way home. ' Oh good' he said 'as I have problem with the school railings . I have reported them to the school council but just in case they do not  raise it, I am now raising it with you!' Wonderful I say, I will mention it. He then went on to tell me every intricate detail.

Once home we watched the end of the bake off programme and went upstairs to settle down, books at the ready!


  1. Sorry you haven't got what you wanted. It is ridiculous isn't it? What's the next step? Hoping to hear that bw created some kind of European bun next xxxxx

  2. I can't believe what I have just read! I am fuming. Do these people think they are Gods!!??

  3. The joy as we know it I suppose!!
