Friday 20 September 2013

Extreme sums it up!

Thank goodness it's Friday! Another morning of mayhem and all before 8am.  We got to school just in time and hung everything on pegs as the bell went. Boy Wonder got into line and I rushed Cat Girl to hers. I waited for them to go in and went off to work.

I spent some of the day completing the parental advice form for the statutory assessment , think it will take all weekend to complete this form, talk about lengthily! Hopefully it will be worth the ink! We also got Boy Wonder's blood test results today, they were normal except for two areas one of which is liver function, however the abnormality apparently was 'acceptable for Boy Wonder' whatever that means! Will speak to the Consultant on Monday.

Boy Wonder's birthday is coming up shortly and it is starting to become a pain as we haven't managed to sort anything for his party. Boy Wonder wants to go go karting but there is an age and height restriction that doesn't go in his favour! Any way today I took the liberty of booking half a dozen kids places on aerial extreme high wire course. Now we just need to find a group of kids that are as 'adventurous' as Boy Wonder!

When I returned from work the kids had been picked up by Super Man and were watching TV. Cat Girl had got 5/5 in her spellings, clever girl! Boy Wonder did well too with 8/10 but he was not at all happy with this and became very distressed and angry. Lots of shouting and thrashing about, mainly aimed at Cat Girl as he thought that she had done better than him and therefore he had failed. We had a chat and I explained that his score was very good as the spellings were hard. It's unfortunate that he took it so badly as it was the first week that we had got him to practice his spellings in a long time.

We decided to end the night by watching a film. They chose 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid.' They have watched it a thousand times before but they love it and I don't get bombarded with 'new film' questions so its a winner!

1 comment:

  1. Well done both on spellings, mummy's bingo obviously works. Wish we were there I know my two would've done the adventure party xx
