Saturday 21 September 2013

Late night, late morning!!

The film last night only served to hype Boy Wonder up. He went upstairs at bedtime and couldn't settle. We agreed that he could build Lego in bed. It would seem that I fell to sleep before he did as his light was still on this morning!

Obviously in need of sleep, Boy Wonder woke up at 10am! That's an absolute first. He had breakfast and got ready for dance.  Lots of practice ready for the exams today, he really seems to be enjoying it.

After lunch Boy Wonder played with the boy next door and a smaller boy.  At one point he had the smaller boy up a tree with him which was a little scary. I suggested that they played at ground level, possibly for my sanity rather than anything else. He reluctantly agreed. They played running around like mad things for what seemed to be a very long time.

After Cat Girl and I had completed a mammoth baking session we had tea. Boy Wonder ate his quickly so he could go back out to play. The Grandparents visited but he remained outside playing rugby on the lawn until it got dark. He then came in and told the Grandparents that they had been here over an hour and asked if they were leaving yet? I am sure he meant this nicely!! They left shortly after and we continued to watch Miranda Hart interviewing Bruce Forsyth on TV.Boy Wonder didn't like this at all. He couldn't understand why she wasn't being funny! In protest he went to watch a Miranda episode on Iplayer on his lap top.

We are off to Gulliver's Kingdom tomorrow to see the Zingzillas! Boy Wonder has been told however that he has to do some of his project first whilst Cat Girl is at her swimming lesson. Watch this space..... !


  1. We were never allowed to go to gullivers kingdom (stu just told me we didn't have kids then though pah!). Enjoy your day, hope done project got done xx

  2. Children are definitely the key!
