Wednesday 11 September 2013

Teenager to Teacher....

Today I think my head is going to explode! For no other reason than Boy Wonder has turned into a teenager! The morning started with back chat, not listening, refusing to get dressed, bribery, manipulation and all before 8.30!!

I packed them off to school and took a breath. Six hours of peace ( well work but a change is as good as a rest!)

Unfortunately the 'teenager' was still very much present at the end of school, however he had moved onto attempting sarcasm (which did make me smile.) He was obviously copying what he had heard but had no comprehension of it. He said things like ' Durrhh, yeah you're really sick !' to Cat Girl. She looked at him bemused, he didn't pick this up so I asked him what he meant to which he replied ' it's sarcasm.' 'But what does it mean?' I asked. 'I don't know, it's just cool !' he said.

We went home to get ready for clubs. Dressing Boy Wonder was like trying to wrestle an octopus but eventually we got there and left for drama and Jiu Jitsu for Cat Girl. In the car they both argued about  nothing. Boy Wonder decided that he would be giving Cat Girl dance and singing lessons on a Friday after school, Cat Girl was less than enthusiastic! He couldn't understand why she wasn't overjoyed by his offer so he tried to sell it further using his charm. ' Cat Girl, you are rubbish at dancing and singing, I am perfect. With my lessons you could be good too, but not as good as me.' Surprisingly this didn't have the desired effect!

After clubs we picked up a MacDonalds and went to cousins. Boy Wonder remained loud and silly throughout and started to becomes agitated on leaving. As we arrived home, Cat Girl went to bed and Boy Wonder decided that he needed an immediate download on his iPhone. Super Man couldn't do it straight away as the phone wasn't charged. Boy Wonder became very distressed and couldn't comprehend the situation. As a result he remains up and wide eyed!!

I am now attempting to bore him with awful tv in hope of sending him to sleep ;-)

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