Monday 2 September 2013

From Happy to Grrrrrrhhhhh!!

The early night attempt wasn't successful and Boy Wonder ended up distressed and crying. We settled in my bed and after reading to him he eventually fell to sleep. Super Man moved him into his own bed when he came up to bed.

This morning Boy Wonder remained anxious about returning to holiday club and pretty much everything and anything else that we spoke about. He took a while to get motivated and needed a lot of help to get ready for the day.
We eventually got to holiday club and Boy Wonder went straight to sit down at the Lego table.   He barely acknowledged me saying goodbye as he was so engrossed.

I picked Boy Wonder up from the club to take him to his swimming lesson. He was racing up and down the play ground on a scooter. I asked him to come over to me as we were leaving but he just carried on. After the fifth attempt he did stop what he was doing and come in and we got ready to leave. The staff reported that he had been fine and had, had a lovely day. However as we walked outside Boy Wonder exploded into anger. He shouted and cried, hit out and thrashed around. Boy Wonder shouted about not wanting to go for his swimming lesson . I attempted to reassure him but he quickly moved on to the next reason for his anger, the time! I explained to Boy Wonder it was okay to be angry and that I understood that he was getting worried about going back to school. He responded by shouting at me to stop talking as he couldn't talk about THAT!!

We did go swimming and he did well in his lesson, the increased adrenaline put to good use in the pool.   Once out he spent 20 minutes in the shower and this seemed to calm him down further.

At home he and Cat Girl watched a DVD, the same one as last night with a full running commentary from the Boy! He then attempted to settle down in bed but as per the last couple of nights, he remained restless and anxious.


  1. Oh dear, I fear a troublesome few days ahead. When does school start. Ours are back tomorrow - they so desperately need the routine xxxxx

  2. They start back on Thursday, it's going to get very messy I feel!! Xx
