Friday 27 September 2013

An Odd Day

The odd, stressy mood continued this morning. A lengthily shower followed by a lot of help to get ready and Boy Wonder came downstairs and ate a little breakfast. We went off to school armed with his swimming certificate to show in assembly.

Throughout assembly Boy Wonder appeared pre occupied and distant. Even when talking about his  certificate in assembly he didn't give any eye contact and didn't really engage in much discussion. I spoke with his teacher about the concerns over Boy Wonder's preoccupation with the funeral of April.

After school they both went to after school club and Super Man picked them up from there. He said that Boy Wonder appeared okay and spent most of the evening out playing with the boy next door. When he came in however, he had a bruise on his face and cuts and scratches all down his side. Boy Wonder said that he had fell off of the trampoline. It looked sore but wasn't bothering him.

Whilst Boy Wonder had a bath, I read his school diary where he clearly had, had an emotional day. Complaining of tummy ache, looking stressy but not giving much away to his teacher. One thing that is coming across though is that they are trying to get him to express himself. It's early days .....

Late to bed after his bath, armed with prawn crackers and his bible stories.