Wednesday 7 August 2013

Under the Weather

It took a while for Boy Wonder to settle last night. He became engrossed in talking about bodily functions, namely the benefits and the inconveniences of going to the toilet. It really is quite amazing how long this subject can be 'discussed,' without the author becoming bored. 'Discussed' is another one of those terms that we use loosely as very often there is no discussion, it is more being talked at rather than being talked to.

This morning Boy Wonder woke and complained of the right side of his Adam's Apple hurting and also his bladder.  He is one of those children that has 'altered pain threshold' written in his medical notes due to sustaining injuries and not being aware of them and not being able to communicate discomfort particularly well.   Historically he has broken bones and just stopped using them. No tears, no acknowledgement of the injury. More recently he put his tooth through his tongue whilst on the trampoline. With a mouthful of blood and looking like a scene from Dracula , I rushed to his aid. Boy Wonder asked me what was wrong and I had to point out that he was dripping with blood! Anyway back to this morning. Boy Wonder looked a bit warm and under the weather. He attempted to tell me specifics of any discomfort that he was feeling but really struggled. He became bogged down with when if hurt, how long for.... I gave him some paracetamol and he went to Holiday Club hoping that this would distract from the symptoms.

I explained to the staff that Boy Wonder may be unwell and if they were at all worried to ring me. I asked them not to rely on Boy Wonder telling them anything.   I rang at dinner time and was told that he appeared fine. When I picked him up, he was complaining of a headache and bladder ache. 

We missed Kubudo tonight as Boy Wonder doesn't look too great and went to Auntie and cousins for a little while instead. 

All is quiet (ish) this evening, ssshhhh


  1. Hope he is okay and feeling better soon xx

  2. Thank you, sure he will be bouncing around again tomorrow! X
