Thursday 8 August 2013

A bit of 'Salt n Shake!'

Last night remained settled as a rather pale looking Boy Wonder played Mario Kart until he fell to sleep. After what seemed like a reasonable nights sleep, all ailments had disappeared and he regained his position back on the ceiling! 

We spent the morning around the house attempting to pack for the holiday and get ready for the day. Boy Wonder flitted from activity to activity, getting more and more hyper.  He attempted to train his kitten how to fetch, ( not very successful!) play wrestling and go outside on the swing and trampoline. Within ten minutes and all activities complete,  Boy Wonder complained of being bored. Cat Girl tried to involve him in her game with the kittens and this held his attention for a short while. 

Around lunch time we dropped Boy Wonder off at Group Inspire for Splash Play whilst Cat Girl and I went holiday clothes shopping. Cat Girl asked if she could go to Group Inspire one day? I explained that the group is for kids with disabilities and additional needs so probably not. She responded by asking if Boy Wonder having Autism meant that he could go? I said yes it does because he needs help with playing with others, his worries and getting angry. 'Yes, he is very special isn't he?!' Cat Girl replied. This little girl is wise beyond her years! 

We enjoyed  a couple of hours shopping, something that is an impossible task with Boy Wonder but a pleasure with Cat Girl. She was very pleased with her purchases which included a beautiful dress with cats on it! We struggled to find summer clothes in the midst of the new autumn range but got just enough to see us through a couple of weeks in the sun.  We went to our favourite sweet shop to buy 'letters' as we always do and went to fetch Boy Wonder.

He had, had a fabulous time, crowned as 'Super soaker King!'  We thanked the group and left for our next activity, the park with my sister and her girls.  It always amazes me that when Boy Wonder is with his female cousin of the same age, he is calm and fairly settled.  They sit on the play equipment talking like mini teenagers and then run round for a little while, back to sitting and finally a game of crazy(ish) golf. Boy Wonder makes little fuss when it is time to leave and even shares his sweets with his cousin whilst in the car. ( Or maybe they were Cat Girl's but either way the gesture was there!) 

This evening Boy Wonder went to Kobudo as he missed last night. Super Man is set the challenge by Boy Wonder to find him some Salt 'n'Shake crisps. He is convinced that they are a new invention and that we didn't have them when we were kids! On return home, laiden with the new invention, Boy Wonder announces that Super Man is the best daddy in the world as he has managed to track down these crisps. Both boys are very happy. Boy Wonder goes to bed and plays Cbeebies games before going to sleep. After playing the same game for approximately an hour I give him a five minute warning to turn it off.   Here's hoping for another settled night! 

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