Saturday, 3 August 2013

A lesson learnt!

Up, bright and breezy this morning all ready for Jiu Jitsu grading for Boy Wonder. He has been doing Jiu Jitsu for nearly three years now and it has to be said that it has been the perfect way to teach him respect for others, discipline, confidence, self esteem and team work skills, none of which come naturally or indeed easily for those on the autistic spectrum. 

The Sensi examining gave feed back at the end of the grading and commented that Boy Wonder has boundless energy and stamina and very good technique. He then asked us what we fed him on?! I told him that we have his ADHD to thank for the boundless  energy and stamina and his autism for the excellent retention of technique.  Absolutley he said, his ground fighting was particularly impressive! Boy Wonder came away with his 8th Mon, Green belt. A very happy boy! 

We went over to Meadow Hall afterwards to get my phone repaired, Superman a new watch battery, dinner and the cinema. It was midday at this point and it was very busy. Boy Wonder went into hyper drive and spacial awareness went out of the window, walking into people, railings, walls! We retracted back to a quieter area and had lunch. 

After lunch we went to Apple to get my phone repaired. Boy Wonder was very intrigued by the gadgets and intensely questioned the young man sorting out my 'issue.' He commented that Boy Wonder seemed to have a good knowledge of the products to which I replied that he was a 'mini geek' in training! Luckily he had a sense of humour! 

Despicable Me 2 was the film of choice and Cat Girl was very amused when the minion went skinny dipping and showed his bum! Boy Wonder seemed more taken with the rocking seats!  Film finished, we excited the cinema and headed for the car. Boy Wonder took the opportunity to list all of the films that he wanted to see, Cat Girl was still giggling about the bum! 

This evening Mamma and Grandad visited. Mamma mentioned her Kindle Fire and all of the new games that she now had. She then went in to say that Boy Wonder's additions to her kindle had cost her the grand total of £12! Boy Wonder had added the games thinking that they were free because there was no password on the account like on his iPhone.  Boy Wonder apologised and said that he wouldn't do it again for two years! I explained to Mamma that she shouldn't rely on Boy Wonder's last statement and that maybe she needs to set up a password! 

Visitors gone, Boy Wonder and Cat Girl settle down for the evening. After a couple of hours crashing around upstairs, Boy Wonder finally falls to sleep, must have been all the exercise he has had today! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to bw for green belt. Definitely passwords needed. Good read xxx
