Sunday 11 August 2013

Not dippy enough!!

We decided that today would be spent around the house getting the last of the packing done for the holiday, tidying bedrooms and some baking.

Boy Wonder insisted that he needed to make a riot shield before he did anything else! I think this was on the back of the Belfast riots that he saw on the news yesterday, ( just in case.) Shield complete, we commenced the big tidy!! Boy Wonder helped with particular jobs such as lining his weapons up underneath his bed, including the new addition of the riot shield. He then hoovered his room and made a very good job of it. He does love Henry!

For lunch, Boy Wonder made a request for dippy egg and soldiers. It had to be just right and took 4 attempts! Egg mayo sandwiches for Super Man it is then! After lunch, Boy Wonder helped Super Man to fix his tree house roof which needed refelting after the stormy weather. He loves helping with these 'big boy' jobs.

Later Super Man took Boy Wonder and Cat Girl to the skate/ scooter park whilst I tackled the washing, ironing and labelling of school uniforms.  Cat Girl starts school in September which is very daunting. (It didn't hit me till I started getting her uniform ready.). It makes it a little more tricky as she is going to the same school as Boy Wonder . For most I would assume that an older sibling in school is a great reassurance, however I am not feeling it with Boy Wonder. My gut instinct tells me that it is likely to go wrong very quickly, especially if the introduction days are anything to go by! ( Boy Wonder set up a very intricate surveillance operation to ensure that Cat Girl didn't break any of the 'Golden Rules!' )

Boy Wonder's uniform drawer replenished much to his dismay, we are ready to go! Boy Wonder spent a great deal of time last term disposing of his uniform either by chewing holes in it, cutting it with scissors or by throwing it away. It is very likely that this new set will meet the same fate!

This evening, Boy Wonder plays wrestling with his friend  in the conservatory. Another fairly settled day all in all.


  1. Stu was laughing regarding the eating of the uniform - not sure he would laugh if it was one of our boys. Stu isn't happy about going to work tomorrow - I hope he doesn't eat his tie!! Sure school will be fine for cg, she will probably keep an eye on him too xx

    1. Eating school shirts is a regular thing - chewing holes in them, biting the buttons off. He costs me a fortune!! ;-) hope things are okay for Stu and work, Is it holiday blues ?
