Thursday 1 August 2013

Through the barricade

A slower start to the morning allowed Boy Wonder to awake naturally and gather his super powers. As a result he became very giddy and hyper rather quickly! He attempted to play mum's, dad's and babies with Cat Girl but this didn't work out. Boy Wonder struggled with the point of the game and as a consequence everything went to pot. Cat Girl asserted herself and removed Boy Wonder from the role of 'dad.' Time to go to Group Inspire I think! 

Today Boy Wonder is going to soft play and a picnic with Group Inspire. He is very excited! 
He is then spending the late afternoon with grandparents. 

On return from work, Boy Wonder is still at Grandparents. He arrives home about 8pm, very tetchy and tired. He hadn't eaten so Superman makes beans on toast. The beans were too mushy and the toast was not how he liked it. As a result it got piled up on the plate and left. I asked Boy Wonder about his day to which he responded that he had nearly smashed a window whilst playing ball with the dog and had filled the Granparents Kindle Fire with lots of games that they didn't really want! Sounds productive, hmmm. 

As the 'conversation' continued,  it was clear that Boy Wonder was not reading expression too well, accusing me of laughing at him when he spoke, when in fact it was a simple affectionate smile.  After some further misinterpretation over minor things, 
Boy Wonder ran from the room, slammed the door and barricaded himself in his room. 

Okay so the procedure from here is to give him time out, listen for signs of activity that requires immediate response I.e loud bangs, items leaving the bedroom window .... Anyway after five minutes I break through the barricade and squeeze through the gap. I am met with an angry little boy telling me that I have ruined his life and that HE IS NOT TIRED!!! No of course not Boy Wonder, I reply! He is really quite cute when he is angry!  I leave him to have further time out. 

A few minutes later, Boy Wonder bounces down the stairs dressed as a magician. He promptly pulls a fluffy white rabbit out of his trousers and shouts 'Ta da Magic!' After a few more 'non tricks ' he returns to his room to practice further.

Boy Wonder finishes the day by making himself a snack and a milkshake. The kitchen looks like he has had a party and I think maybe he has! 


  1. This had me in stitches (no I'm not laughing though bw). You and superman must have the patience of saints. Loved the rabbit in the trousers. Hugs to all xxx

  2. I had to try very hard to contain myself with the rabbit trick! Hope you are all enjoying your holiday xx
