Tuesday 20 August 2013

The Bulgarian Way ....

Last night took an unexpected turn as Cat Girl was sick throughout the night. It was very impressive sick mind you and travelled all over the bed and beyond! This meant that she was unable to participate in a great deal today so we opted for a lazy day on the beach.

Throughout the morning Cat Girl lay on a sun bed, cap over her face and a towel over her body to shield her from the sun. Boy Wonder who usually panics when people are ill, thinking that they will die, showed little anxiety and went to play in the sea. He and Super Man swam quite far out as there was a shallow area there where you could see crabs, jelly fish, snails, fish and such like. He was fascinated by this and hatched a plan to try and capture them in his bucket!

Deep holes dug in the sand and a pebble cat made for Cat Girl, we went off for lunch. Cat Girl didn't look too impressive so I took her back to the apartment via the chemist and she relaxed there for the afternoon and thats when the 'D' part of 'D&V' kicked in. Boy Wonder and Super Man went back to the beach and tried out Boy Wonder's plan to catch fish. The later report suggested that this wasn't successful, however he did plenty of diving for fossils and found one sea snail.

In the evening we ventured out of the complex and into the array of shops and small collection of fair type attractions. Boy Wonder went on the harnessed trampoline and with the local man who ran the ride, he jumped higher than ever as the man pulled him down and let him fly! It's a good job that Boy Wonder has no sense of fear as he squealed with delight, bouncing 10ft or more into the air.

After a bit of sensory overload and the biggest candy floss that I had ever seen, Boy Wonder and Cat Girl went on Hook a Duck, Bulgarian style. 9 ducks later and they still came away with tat, however it took Boy Wonder a very long time to choose his as there was so much to pick from. He eliminated toy weapons as he said he can't take them home through airport security ( I wasn't going to argue!) He finally decided on a large popper ( that we later found out didn't pop!) Cat Girl came away with the usual teddy.

We decided to go back to the apartment early tonight as we have an off road trip in the mountains  tomorrow. On the way back, Boy Wonder became quite agitated. His proccessing ability had diminished somewhat and his spacial awareness was shocking! The latter has been quite a problem since we arrived but this particular walk back was very noticable. He said that he was upset because Cat Girl was ill and that the trip might be cancelled tomorrow. He also stated that she was getting more care than him and that we weren't bothered about him having a headache. I explained that we were concerned but he hadn't said that he had a headache to which he replied that he didn't think that he needed to tell us because we should know!

We reassured both Boy Wonder and Cat Girl that the trip would go ahead tomorrow as planned, dosed Cat Girl up on Imodium and crossed our finger and toes!

1 comment:

  1. Get better soon CatGirl, am interested to read about tomorrow's trip. Bungee trampoline sounds terrifying! Ha!
