Tuesday 6 August 2013

Have you anything to declare?

Boy Wonder did indeed settle at a reasonable hour last night.  I would hazard a guess that exhaustion took hold, unless that was just me so I didn't notice the time that he fell to sleep! However, come morning time, Boy Wonder was up and at it bright and reasonably early!

Boy Wonder went to Holiday Club today. We packed the car with what we needed, this included a variety of replica weapons that he uses in Kobudo ( sword, sai, nunchaku.) It always makes me wonder what the Police would say if ever I got pulled up, hopefully I will never find out! On arrival at Holiday Club Boy Wonder finds out that the theme for the week is 'Food From Around the World,' He opts for Lego. 

When picking Boy Wonder up after work he is in the playground scooting. The staff observing the children comes to greet me, sign out medication and tell me how wonderful  he has been. At this point I observe Boy Wonder throw a ball hard into a little boy's back and  then call him an idiot ( at least it wasn't 'cock!') I mentioned the altercation to the staff member in case the boy was hurt, to which she replied that the other boy had been trying to wind Boy Wonder up all afternoon so she wasn't surprised and not to worry. ( it will become evident over time that Boy Wonder is seen as a 'butter wouldn't melt' kind of child. We completely understand that due to his condition he gets himself in tangles and often misreads situations but we also try to ensure that matters are explained to him so that he can try and learn from them. Others however often prefer the protect, protect route!)

On the way to Jiu Jitsu/ Kobudo Boy Wonder decides to play at being a Sat Nav. For 30 continuous minutes he parrots off phrases such as ' in 300 yards turn left' and ' at the next roundabout take the third exit.' He uses the navigation system in the car to prompt his next instruction. On the longer roads he proceeds to comment on my speed, proximity to other cars and other equally annoying facts to fill in the gaps! 

With a sigh of relief I drop him off at Jiu Jitsu and pick Cat Girl up from her session. I spoke to Sensi about the next Kobudo weapon that we need to order ( hoping for something small and discreet.) He announced that it is a 5ft bow! Wonderful I say. 

Later in the evening, Super Man decides to sort out travel insurance for the holiday. There are thousands to choose from initially, then he adds Boy Wonder's list of  diagnosis and treatment. That made if much easier, now there are twelve to choose from and a little price hike as a bonus! It really does amuse me as to what they think a 7 year old autistic kid is capable of!! 

Boy Wonder returns from his class and joins me in the bathroom where I am having a bath to tell me what a number 1 and number 2 means. He says it is a lot more polite to call them this rather than wee and pooh! It's going to be a lively night again I feel!


  1. It makes me wonder what you were doing in the bath to warrant the lesson on no1's and 2's ha ha! A bow? Mental note: don't send smallest to jui jitsu

  2. The bow is slightly concerning as it is actually a foot bigger than he is! I am Smallest would love it x. It does make you wonder doesn't it?!
