Sunday 4 August 2013

Pre Birthday Celebrations

A nice Sunday morning lie in, followed by a relaxing breakfast and ..... Okay so it wasn't quite like that. Up at 7am ( which does constitute as a lie in in this house) due to the phone ringing with urgent work stuff. Boy Wonder then woke up and announced that his bed was all sweaty not wetty. Changed his bed but he had already changed his P.J's and got in with Cat Girl, much to her dismay!

Super man and I took the opportunity to go outside and clean out the animals, bag up garden waste for the tip and sort out the veg bed which has had way too much rain and sun!  Ten minutes in, Boy Wonder joined us. He had dressed himself ( all in grey as he thinks co ordinating actually means same) and went to collect eggs.  Cat Girl joined us shortly after but had no intention of mucking in, she supervised!   Boy Wonder moved onto the veg bed and scrutinised each remaining product for suitable growth, colour and worthiness. The sweet corn, garlic, potatoes and carrots survived the cull!

Superman took Cat Girl for her swimming lesson and Boy Wonder joined them on the understanding that he didn't have to swim! This agreed off they went to 'Play' in the water whilst I stayed behind to prepare dinners for the week ahead.   On their return, dinner eaten, Boy Wonder wanted to bake a cake for the visitors expected later. He decided to bake a chocolate cake with orange flavoured butter icing. He achieved this all by himself but just as it was about to go into the oven, the visitors arrived. Boy Wonder greeted them with ' I'm not expecting you yet, you are too early!' I reassured him that they would be happy to wait for cake. Boy Wonder then decided that the cake needed to have a purpose so proceeded to ask the visitors whose birthday it was soon? The earliest birthday was October - this will do! The only birthday candle was a ' birthday girl' candle, the birthday visitor was a boy - this will do!       ( but just in case, Boy Wonder turned it around!) 

Whilst waiting for the cake to cool, Boy Wonder decided to test the smoke alarms which are situated in the hall and and top of the stairs. He shouted for some help and one of the visitors were first to respond. He found Boy Wonder about to climb onto a chair at the top of the stairs piled high with cushions! He dismantled the make shift, rather unsafe testing platform and suggested to Boy Wonder that maybe Superman should help him? Superman promptly responded and tried to explain to Boy Wonder why his idea was not a good one although was not convinced that he really understood! 

Cake cooled and decorated, Boy Wonder ( with assistance) lit the candle and the birthday chorus was sung to him as well as the 'birthday' guest. ( Boy Wonder's birthday is also in October).  Once the celebrations were over, the visitors left for home laiden with eggs and cookies baked by Cat Girl.

This evening we settled down to watch Smurfs the movie and then Diary of a Wimpy Kid before Top Gear. Due to the colourful content of the latter two choices, Boy Wonder has now extended his vocabulary with - ' Dirty Diaper' lyrics and ' cock ' ( Thank you James May for that one in particular). It's a good job he has a few weeks to loose the additions before going back to school!  


  1. Oh my goodness what a 'relaxing' day. Lots of chuckles from us here. Thanks to tv we have been listening to renditions of a song regarding a popular theme park here. Wahooooo. Isn't telly great?!

  2. Yes we have a lot to thank it for! It's been a busy weekend, I am going to work today for a rest x
