Sunday 18 August 2013

Rollercoaster ride!!

Internet access appears to be a novelty in Bulgaria hence the lack of blogs! However, I continue to write off line so that when this is eventually posted, you can almost have a novel to read. Day two of the holiday has come to an end and so far not many dramas. The airport was an experience and in hindsight the special needs support may have been better in a larger airport, however, Doncaster did okay. We bypassed some queues and were  given time to get off of the plane and away before being caught in the rush. Boy Wonder was fascinated by the security at the airport and to put it into practice, carried a small green plastic gun in his pocket and a compass. He took great delight in putting these into the tray to be checked. The ultimate show was Grandad being searched due to false knees setting off the alarms!

I expected Boy Wonder to be a lot more anxious/ high during the flying experience than he was. Apart from going to the toilet several times on the flight, he was quite settled until it came to landing. At this point we had been moved to the front to be taken off of the plane first. He sat in his new seat , rocking swiftly backwards and forwards shouting 'We're on a roller coaster and its going to belly flop!' Over and over again. The cabin hostesses thought this was hilarious but it was soon apparent that we were sat around a number of nervous flyers. Oh dear....

We arrived at the complex quite late, but had taken a taxi instead of getting on the coach ( this would have been too much after the excitement of the airport!) after being shown to our apartment we went straight to bed. 

The first real day of the holiday begins and we get up late and attempt to find our bearings to go for breakfast. Luckily Super Man has a sense of direction and we get to the breakfast area and grab something to eat before it finishes . Boy Wonder is happy as we are sat next to the toaster, the type that you feed the bread in one end and it goes along a conveyor belt and spits it out at the other. He loves these and will happily make toast until redirected! 

The beach is just in front of the apartments so we nip to the beach shop for some tools - buckets and spades and inflatables and head down there. It is very hot so we go into the sea. Cat Girl goes in her pink rubber ring and Boy Wonder has his body board. The sea is fairly shallow for quite a way out but very rocky under foot.  After about half an hour of play, Boy Wonder goes very cold and shivery, around his lips turn blue and he looses colour in his face. I take him out of the sea and wrap him in a towel to warm up.  This isn't uncommon for Boy Wonder but hasn't happened a lot recently. We were hoping that swimming lessons and building up his time and excursion in water would sort this problem out. However, throughout the day it happens two more times and on speaking with Boy Wonder he says that he suddenly goes very cold and struggles to speak. We don't know why this happens and he has had ECG's under exercise to see if it is a heart or breathing difficulty, but no. All that we do know is that it happens around water and exercise and can lead to drop seizures.  

We go back to the apartment and change for the evening. I wonder what the Bulgarian night life will bring :-)

1 comment:

  1. What an entertaining family you are. Hope you enjoy your evening out and that bw doesn't get anymore 'cold' incidents x
