Sunday 1 December 2013

A Weekend of Two Halves

I left for a 'ladies do Christmas Shopping' day before Boy Wonder woke up this morning. Cat Girl was awake so I gave her the responsibility of looking after the boys. She thought this was funny. Superman had a play date planned for the afternoon that consisted of all the abandoned husbands and children going to a play centre. Before that however, Boy Wonder had his dance class.

The shopping trip was good and very productive. All Christmas presents are now purchased and just need to be wrapped. Santa has bought Boy Wonder a Raspberry Pi this year. We have been told that he should be able to use it but Superman is swotting up just in case!

On returning from shopping this evening, the children were settled and everyone seemed to have a good day with no notable incidents or accidents. A successful day all round then!

Sunday morning - we are putting up Christmas decorations, baking and then out to take Boy Wonder to his tap and theatre craft dance exams this afternoon.

I started off by cleaning out the animals, making sure their bedding was warm and dry before the snow kicks in! When I got back inside, Superman had the children up, washed, dressed and fed and the decorations out of the loft ready to put up.

The Christmas decorations took most of the morning, especially as Boy Wonder insisted on knowing the origin of each bauble! There's a lot of baubles on three trees! He lined the snowmen up perfectly and then hunted down the missing singing plane. ( Superman's favourite !)

We had dinner and then a visit from family. The children played outside with the kittens. Boy Wonder 'rescued' the kittens from next door's cat. They weren't keen on being rescued and once Superman had convinced Boy Wonder that they were okay and not going to get attacked, he reluctantly let them out again.

We left to take Boy Wonder to his dance exam , freestyle and tap today. He seemed absolutely fine on the way but as soon as we got there, his mood changed. The place was busy and crowded in the entrance where parents and children were waiting to dance or to pick up their children. There was a feel of seriousness / nervousness although I am not sure Boy Wonder picked up on anything other than it being different and crowded. He became anxious and agitated, so once he was dressed and ready, I had a quiet word with his teacher and left. He can hold it together a lot better when I'm not there and his teacher said that she would keep a close eye on him and take him outside if he needed some space.

Whilst waiting for Boy Wonder, Superman, Cat Girl and I did a bit of shopping as we needed white tights for Cat Girl's nativity play. We finished off at the soft play where Cat Girl is having her party next week as I had to finalise details. We then picked up a couple of reindeer gingerbread and went to pick up Boy Wonder.

I spoke with his teacher before Boy Wonder came out of his tap exam and she said that he had done well, a bit edgy and fidgety but okay. He wasn't happy that 'special needs' had been written on his form. I explained  to him later  that it was an old fashioned term for identifying that he may not understand the lady examiner's accent or gestures because he hasn't met her before. ' oh' he said ' is that all?' I think he was worried that they thought he couldn't dance very well. I told him that this is certainly not the case as all dancers are only put through for exams if his teacher thought they could do it.  He now has a couple of weeks to wait for the results which I seem to be more bothered about than him!

We came home and watched a DVD whilst having tea. It was 'A Diary of The Wimpy Kid' film which they both love. After lots of laughing  it was time for bed. Cat Girl seemed very tired this evening. Boy Wonder however seemed wide awake!


  1. A fun packed weekend. Not sure what Raspberry Pi is though, but probably showing my age x

  2. I am sure Boy Wonder will tell you all about it on Christmas Day!

  3. I also don't know what raspberry pi is. Productive fun day - I gave some major catching up to do as I have been very slack lately and not reading everyday xxxxx

  4. It's a British made computer that you add things to and programme yourself. Apparently very good, will have to see. Lets just hope he doesn't hack into NASA!!
