Saturday 7 December 2013

The Minion Auction.

Friday started off in the usual mad way but like most Friday's seemed to be a positive day. Carol singing practice and Golden Time proved to calm Boy Wonder and as a result, Superman had a settled evening whilst I attended my staff Christmas party.

This morning Boy Wonder needed to be up fairly early as he had a football match to get to. He was very excitable and not particularly co ordinated. Superman got him on the right track whilst I sorted out the kitten's medication and the rest of the animals food and water.

When the boys had left, Cat Girl and I got ready to go to the hairdressers for a much needed hair cut and then onto work to set up for the Christmas Fayre. Cat Girl drew Christmas pictures whilst we battled with the marque. Super man texted to day that they had won the football 3-1. The team's first win!

Super man and Boy Wonder arrived at the start and Boy Wonder immediately became fixated on the silent auction, in particular the Minion! He put in a bid which I spent quite a while convincing him to lower as £60 is way too much to bid for a cuddly toy! He then moved on to other things, becoming stressy due to not being able to get to the football table. When he did get on it, the boy playing with him kept cheating so what little tolerance he had, dwindled quickly.

Cat Girl won Pin The Nose on Rudolf and some tickets to a museum and Boy Wonder won some dried flowers and of course The Minion!! ( luckily not for £60!) Superman took them home whilst I helped to pack away. I then went shopping for food and party bag tat for Cat Girl's party tomorrow.

We had a visit from Grandparents this evening and then watched Atlantis before Boy Wonder and Cat Girl went to bed. Hopefully an early night tonight in preparation for two parties tomorrow, Boy Wonder's friend's and then Cat Girl's. it's been a weekend of parties!!

1 comment:

  1. That minion must have been good. Hope the party goes well. Xx
