Thursday 5 December 2013

Home Sweet Home!

After a reasonable night's sleep, Boy Wonder awoke in a very hyper, inattentive mood. He was very excited about Jet coming home today which was understandable but made it difficult to  ( more than normal) get him up, dressed and fed.

Once at a school, I spoke with his teacher about his high mood and wished her luck! Boy Wonder spent most of the day with his jet magnet again, although reported to be a lot happier and loud. Boy Wonder said that because of his sad day yesterday, he wasn't told off for silly behaviour ! Mmmm.

I received a call from the vets to say that Jet could definitely come home. I agreed that we would pick him up at 5.30pm, after Boy Wonder's dance class.

I also received a call from the Occupational Therapist today to arrange Boy Wonder's assessment for next week. She seemed very equipped for the job and we are really looking forward to hearing what she thinks and what she can recommend.

I picked the children up from school and went over to dance so that Boy Wonder could practise for his ballet exam. He appeared preoccupied but at least he attended without fuss.  We left to fetch Jet and got to the vets a little late due to traffic. Boy Wonder and Cat Girl were both getting excitable and anxious which manifested itself in shouting, constant questioning and silliness.

We got to the vets and were talked through Jet's medication regime and care plan. Boy Wonder asked  a lot of questions and presented them with a thank you card which was very nice and 'wordy.' They loved it and thanked him. He stated that he was going to put his life savings into the card for them but  decided against it in the end! How very nearly thoughtful of him!

Boy Wonder helped set up Jet's equipment when we got home and played with him got a short while. However he soon lost interest and started to play on Minecraft. The kittens started to fight, had to be separated, keeping them apart for the tests of the evening.

Boy Wonder went to bed at 9.30 and feel asleep just after 10 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely idea the card and the 'nearly money' funny. Hope jet's recovery is smooth xx
