Wednesday 11 December 2013

Moving Forward Slowly

This morning Boy Wonder had an appointment at CAMHS with his psychiatrist. This didn't improve the crazy morning routine any just added to it with some obsessing over an invisible rash and hitting himself in the face.

We arrived at the hospital and were greeted by mayhem. The hospital were in what they called 'lock down,' which basically meant that the swipe access system had failed and staff couldn't through any doors. In turn this meant that all staff were congregating in reception not knowing what to do. However,we managed to get a room downstairs so that Boy Wonder could have he appointment and then spent five minutes or so reassuring him that it wasn't a major disaster, just a minor fault.

We spoke a lot about recent events which Boy Wonder contributed to until it got a bit tough. He then took sanctuary under the table and covered his ears. We spoke about the support that he gets at school    and I went through the IEP. Boy Wonder corrected me by saying that he didn't get his talk time as it says on the plan. We agreed we would need to deal with the heightened anxiety and management issues in the next MDT and this would need to include the whole team. We spoke about some suggestions to settle Boy Wonder down at night. Nothing that we haven't tried before but we agreed to have another go at using relaxation techniques.

Boy Wonder went back to school and when I picked him up later he was very high yet agitated. His teacher gave me some verbal feedback as she didn't have time to write in his book. Later Boy Wonder told us that a boy who stands next to him during the carol concert keeps touching him and he doesn't like it. We asked him if he had told a teacher and he said he hadn't. When we asked why he hadnt, he said that he couldn't as they were not allowed to dislike people and he would get into trouble. We explained that this wouldn't happen as we didn't need to say that he disliked the child just that his actions were upsetting Boy Wonder. He agreed that he could say this ( or rather, I could !) but in fact he did dislike this boy so would in fact be lying !

Cat Girl performed her nativity play tonight which was wonderful. She smiled all the way through and sang nicely. Boy Wonder went to music theatre and then to a Grandad's for an hour.  On arrival home they both went up to bed . Boy Wonder with a strict routine reading until he goes to sleep . so far tonight  he is still wide awake!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how everything is literal in bw 's life. Glad cg did well in her nativity xx
