Monday 2 December 2013

This morning routine business

Back to the crazy school morning routine today. For the first time I can remember I lay in bed dreading it. Maybe it's a combination of being tired and the catch up of the last few weeks ( years!) It wasn't a nice feeling and certainly one that needs shaking off and sharp ish.

I gave Boy Wonder his medication a bit earlier in hope that it would help calm him down enough to help with his morning routine. It didn't make a difference which is likely to be because the whole intensity and time constraint of the morning routine is the issue. If he slept properly I would be tempted to get him up earlier to reduce the pressure on him but its weighing that up against an extra half an hour's sleep. 

The morning was a typical one, resulting in a mad dash to school. It was a trip to the community centre this morning to watch a Panto. Boy Wonder was very excited as was Cat Girl. 

I got back to the car and 'pause for thought' came on the radio. It was on the theme of mental stress and the only way to improve is to keep going and push through the other side. Very apt and absolutely right! 

So back to being productive. I spoke to the Pharmacist today as Boy Wonder is getting very skinny, to the point of skeletal. We think this is a combination of his appetite being suppressed due to the medication, being very active and his lack of attention when eating. He had lost weight at his last hospital appointment so he is now being monitored so rather than it becoming a big deal, I asked the Pharmacist if we could use a food supplement. He said that we could so will try this for a few weeks and see if it helps. I will also ask school to monitor his diet also so that we can keep an eye on things.

After art therapy, Boy Wonder went to football and then football again. Car Girl went for her swimming lesson and did really well. On settling down I gave Boy Wonder a build up drink milkshake that he loved (result!)

We will see how he gets on with it and hopefully it will do the trick! 

1 comment:

  1. Supplement is a good idea especially if he likes it - fingers crossed. The Vicks on the feet seems to be working thanks xx
