Friday 11 October 2013

You Did Ask!

Boy Wonder was still up when we went to bed. He was playing a game on the lap top which consisted of putting coins on a plate out of a jar, very odd and repeatative.

Up and fairly organised this morning we went to school and I stayed for assembly. One of them was getting a star award today but I didn't know which one. Boy Wonder took his stage 5 swimming certificate in to show and Cat Girl took her 5 metre swimming certificate in also. Cat Girl was first up and explained about her 'froggy legs' that she needed to do and the swimming on her back.  When it was Boy Wonder's turn he too was asked what he had to do to achieve the award. He turned the certificate over and read the very long list of requirements and their descriptions. The teacher attempted to cut in and divert him but this was not to be and he carried on and on and on!!  It was Boy Wonder that also achieved the Star Award for - showing an excellent understanding of how to make different shaped nets for a cube. He then described this in great detail but I am none the wiser! Finally Cat Girl got chosen for the second time to sit on the Golden Table at dinner time. Between them they made up most of the assembly!

 Boy Wonder came home from school with homework to write a poem on his favourite things, not one that I'm looking forward to I have to say. The tasks that require lots of imagination and abstract thinking are not really his 'thing!' He was very tired looking this evening and quite stressy. He didn't want to go to bed but I managed to coax him there to watch football.  He started shouting 'England, England!' Loudly and repeatedly for most of the first half. However, when I went to check on him ( due to it going quiet) he was fast asleep ! (And its not even 10pm!)

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