Saturday 12 October 2013

A day of building!

Up bright and early this morning after a reasonably early night. Boy Wonder was very proud of himself for getting up early, we didn't share his joy!

Boy Wonder went off to dance in an excited mood. He was going out with his worker after to watch One  Direction at the cinema. This meant that Cat Girl and I could go off to do a bit of girlie shopping. Firstly we went to get her some wellies, winter coat, hat and gloves, all in pink! We then went over to the Dolls House shop. This place was wonderful, Cat Girl was in her element and particularly liked the junior houses that were brightly painted with chunky furniture. She bought a treasure chest, a pink Christmas stocking, some food and a Christmas pudding. A bit of a random selection.

Later we went shopping to buy Boy Wonder a new bed and some storage units. Boy Wonder was still out at the cinema and Cat Girl opted to stay with Grandparents so it was just Super Man and I. The bed that was meant to be coming back into stock last Thursday was now out of stock until the end of November! We bought a couple of storage units instead and due to a power cut at the shop it took ages to get out and even longer to get out of the car park!

Back at home we got to work on building units, setting up Cat Girl's Sylvanian Family and rebuilding  Boy Wonder's Lego. Boy Wonder returned first, appeared quite stressed although he said that he had a good time. For about an hour he stomped about, slammed a few doors and shouted. He wouldn't / couldn't enlighten us as to what was the matter but did say that he felt a bit tired.

Cat Girl returned with the Grand Parents, we had tea and Boy Wonder spent an hour on the Wii singing musicals. He seemed quite a bit calmer after this. He helped to build some Lego before watching Atlantis and going to bed.

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