Monday 21 October 2013

Talk, talk, talk

Monday morning blues this morning. I ended up nagging at Boy Wonder to get up and used football practice after school to coax him. He showered and I helped him to get dressed. By the time we got downstairs it was 8.15am!

We got to school and spoke to his teacher about his morning art therapy session which is usually in the afternoon. We also spoke about the madness of the weekend and how well the children had done in the high wire.

I received a message to say that football was cancelled so arranged for him to join after school club with Cat Girl instead. He probably won't be too happy about that.

I picked them up from the club and we went to swimming lessons. Boy Wonder shot me a look of anger and them proceeded to talk at me intensely about everything and anything. He was clearly not processing too well and was questioning everything that I said and did. They had a quick snack when we arrived at the leisure centre and then Boy Wonder asked to go into the pool before his lesson. ' please do!' I said, my ears could then have a rest!

Cat Girl went in for her lesson and Boy Wonder dispersed some energy in the pool. He spent 15 minutes in the shower before his lesson and then he went in. Lots of lengths completed today and butterfly stroke practised. He started to look quite tired towards the end. At the end of the lesson he got out and had a second lengthily shower before getting dressed and heading home.

When we arrived home,Super Man had built Boy Wonder's new loft bed. Although Boy Wonder has wanted this bed for ages, he looked at it, studied it and didn't seem overly sure about it. It does considerably change the look of his room so it is likely to take him a bit if time to get used to it. Lets just hope he can sleep in it without too many difficulties - I.e. falling out!!

Boy Wonder settled down and watched Robin Hood before going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the new bed will be a hit soon. Exhausting day, maybe everyone will sleep xx
