Wednesday 23 October 2013


Despite another late night, Boy Wonder was up early this morning and jumping about like a bean. We fought to get ready for school, today Boy Wonder preferred to watch his tv instead!

We got to school and unloaded the bags. It had stopped raining so they ran around for ten minutes before the bell went.

On picking them up after school I found Boy Wonder with very sensible friend which was a bit odd, she later told me that he was in the play ground alone and so brought him back inside. Although juniors are aloud to leave school alone, we had agreed with the school that Boy Wonder wouldn't be aloud to leave due to his impulsivity and possible anxious state which had historically led to him running into traffic.

We arrived home and got ready for music theatre and Jiu Jitsu. They had a picnic in the car on the way. They both had good sessions and then we went back home to meet a new sessional worker for Boy Wonder. He is a mountain biker and supports Chesterfield FC so I think he will fit in well!

Boy Wonder watched Wolf Blood and then went up to bed about 10pm . He had remained high and giddy throughout the day which was also commented on by his teacher today too. Hopefully he will settle soon.


  1. Hope new sessional worker works out. What does a sessional worker do? X

  2. It's a one to one worker who takes him out to give us quality time with Cat Girl.
