Saturday 26 October 2013

Mixed Bag

This morning awoke a boy of mixed emotions, high and happy with an emotional undertone. We got ready and Superman took him to dance. They were going shopping afterwards for my birthday present so Cat Girl also went with them. She wanted to buy me some make up! Boy Wonder started to become preoccupied with age and asked lots of questions about how old I would be m, how old Daddy is etc.

Whilst they were out I tidied up and arranged the soft play activity for the afternoon. Boy Wonder and Cat Girl wanted to go to the new one at the football ground.  When they got back we had lunch and left for the soft play. The friends we were meeting were running late and Boy Wonder became quite anxious, pacing up and down, looking through the window.  At last they arrived so he and his friend went to play football on the mini soft play pitch.

Apart from the odd break for a drink and a snack, the boys played continuously a football. Boy Wonder was very unforgiving as he tackled everyone to get the ball. No wonder he gets 'man of the match' so often, he has no fear!

This evening we had visits from two sets of grandparents, the first being a birthday celebration, happy birthday Super Gran!! And the second a routine visit. Boy Wonder became noticeably subdued this evening. He wet himself on the sofa and cried a lot when he couldn't get his Laptop to work.

When all visitors had gone, he and Superman watchdog Atlantis. He really wasn't tired at all so we asked him to go to bed and try. At 11pm he was still wide awake. He read goodnight stories to his dolphin and tried to get to sleep.

Boy Wonder has an MRI scan tomorrow so needs to be up early for breakfast. Thank goodness the clocks go back tomorrow. Need that extra hour! 

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