Wednesday 2 October 2013

Is that a Rhetorical Question?

It was a crazy morning this morning. It was raining a lot, I lost my door keys, broke the door handle and Boy Wonder interrogated me on the possible location of the keys and the dangers of leaving the door unlocked! I tried to explain that if I knew the location of the keys then they wouldn't be lost, this just confused him more and led to more questions. I did end up pleading with him to stop asking so many questions and explained that not everything I said required a response. He stopped, looked very thoughtful and said 'You mean that you are asking rhetorical questions?' ' exactly 'I said. ' Do you know what that means ?' 'Yes,' said Boy Wonder, ' It means asking questions that don't require an answer. Pointless really!'

We got to school looking like drowned rats. I briefly explained that Boy Wonder may not be too happy about me leaving the door unlocked to come to school but to reassure him as necessary that I will be going straight home to deal with it. And indeed I did. Our Wednesday angel was there when I got back so we managed to sort it quickly.

Whilst at work I received a call from school saying that Cat Girl had, had a little accident and needed some more clothes. It was an hour before the end of the day so Grandad helped me out by nipping over to school with some spare bits. When I got to school I spoke to her teacher about the accident and explained that Cat Girl tends to have accidents when Boy Wonder's anxiety levels are high, which they have been, especially this week. Cat Girl confirmed this later when were alone, saying that when Boy Wonder is sad and shouting at her, this made her unhappy. We had a chat about why he does this and she seemed happier afterwards. Bless her heart.

Boy Wonder was clearly tense when I picked him up from school. He didn't bring his home, school diary home so there was no clue as to why. He complained of tummy ache and kept hitting his hands on his head and covering his ears, saying that it was too noisy. He shouted and kicked and thrashed around in the car. I encouraged him to go to drama club but only to talk to them about him being too ill to stay. Throughout the journey he shouted and made loud growling noises at Cat Girl.

Once at drama, the staff helped immensely by talking to Boy Wonder and he agreed to stay as long as they rang me if he felt more unwell. He spent the first half an hour doing 'jobs' with the staff and then they slowly introduced him to the session. By the time that Cat Girl and I returned to drama, Boy Wonder seemed a little more settled but it was clear that it wouldn't take much to set him off again

We got into the car and he immediately started to shout and cry. Not clear why, I reassured him and drove home, attempting to distract him with Starlight Express. It's days like this that travelling in the car whilst Boy Wonder is at full throttle, is worrying.  There really is no option as most of the time we are travelling from school to home  or vice versa. Seriously considering putting the back seats up in the car to provide extra support .

This evening Boy Wonder sat quietly watching Horrible Histories and News-round and looked very tired. By 8.30pm he was asleep. I don't think I will be far behind him.!


  1. Hope you have a quiet night and everyone sleeps well. I'm exhausted just reading this. Xx

    1. Not too bad a night thanks. Will see what today brings! X
