Saturday 5 October 2013

Rocking Chair = Granny?

It was past midnight before Boy Wonder finally fell to sleep, however he was up again by 7.30! He was very high and demanding but played reasonably well. We spoke to Boy Wonder, asking him how he thinks he can calm himself down when he is anxious, giving him examples of the previous week. He said that he would do press ups and sit ups as this helped him because it was heavy on his arms. He then demonstrated this! I think he has a point and we agreed that this could be part of the morning routine, however is too controlled to use in near meltdown.

We talked about getting a rocking chair and showed Boy Wonder some pictures. Initially he wasn't keen and said that they were for Grannies. We decided that the best way would be to show him some so made plans to go to Ikea after dance. 

After making a den at the bottom of the stairs, boy Wonder and Cat Girl got ready and had breakfast. Boy Wonder went to dance whilst Cat Girl and I went to get the car valeted. Although they did a lovely job, I think they must have used a full can of polish inside as everything was really slippy including the steering wheel!

We went home, had lunch and went to Ikea. Although we had a very definite idea of what we wanted we became distracted and ended up picking Boy Wonder a long awaited captain bed and furniture to go with it. Super Man got the measurements and details and is planning the design whilst we wait for the bed to come back into stock next week. We then went to try out the  rocking chairs and Boy Wonder gave the chosen one a vigorous rocking test.  The chair is also quite wide so will allow for the firm hold technique if needed. It looks like it will take a good  pounding as well so we are hopeful! 

Ikea was very busy and Boy Wonder was getting stressed, Cat Girl was also getting a bit restless. Super Man put them on the flat pack trolley and wheeled them through to the check out. Eventually we got out and after packing the car headed for a brief trip to the supermarket before going home. 

Super man built the rocking chair when we got home whilst Boy Wonder played on the Wii. We had dinner and he played with the boy next door for the rest of the evening.  He then settled down in his rocking chair and watched Atlantis.  A reasonably stress free day !!


  1. I love a good rocking chair. It is supposed to be very good for posture and back xx

  2. It is lovely, just hope it works! If not, the kittens like it! x
