Sunday 23 February 2014

Spinning and Swinging

We gave Boy Wonder a lie in this morning to try and give him a proper rest. He woke up at midday and had a shower before we headed off out to the park.

We picked up Super Gran and Biker Gramps and after a brief stop off at a a shop to get some bedding  for our bedroom refurb, we headed to Bakewell for a chippy tea and a play on the park. It was very fresh and breezy but nice to get out and about. We had banned all electronic devises so throughout the car journey Boy Wonder and Cat Girl were reading books, looking at Where's Wally books and then we all played ' spot the car' and 'I Spy.'

We stopped for dinner in a chippy cafe and Boy Wonder insisted on having onion rings. We thought it a bit odd so also ordered chicken nuggets. They came with chips which Cat Girl stated that she didn't ask for. ' it's a chip shop!' Boy Wonder said this he didn't like the onion rings as he wanted the orange type. I explained that they were crisps. He had the nuggets instead! Shortly after dinner, Boy Wonder started to complain of tummy ache and wanted a cuddle.

After the dilemmas of the chippy we headed to the park where Boy Wonder spent a lot of time spinning and swinging. He was clearly craving some sensory input. We took it in turns to spun and swing him, well everyone except me as I was holding daisies that Cat Girl was picking for me.

It was getting dark so we headed home and enroute played a further game of 'I Spy' in the dark, quite a challenge! As we returned home, Cat Girl announced to Boy Wonder that mummy and daddy are sleeping in her bed tonight. We were having a joke with her this morning as we were taking old furniture out of our bedroom for the carpet to be fitted. Boy Wonder became very upset and said that he would be packing as he is no longer part of the family. I reassured him that it was just a joke but he said that it felt like he had been tortured. It took quite a while to console him and then to convince Cat Girl that it was just a bit of fun. Eventually Boy Wonder came round as he saw me making up our bed in our bedroom.

This evening we watched Wallace and Gromit and then Top Gear before Boy Wonder went up to bed to settle down.

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely afternoon. BW left my head spinning watching him on the playground xx
