Monday 3 February 2014

Happy Spirits

Boy Wonder awoke on a mission this morning! He had decided that he needs to go to London to have a little wart on his hand removed. This is the only place that can do it properly apparently! He explained that the Doctor there would freeze it and it would then fall off. However whilst he is waiting for this to happen he will need to name it to become friends with it so that he isn't tempted to pick it! It all then became very confusing as Cat Girl then thought that we were off to London immediately. I reassured her that this wasn't the case!

It later transpired that Boy Wonder had seen this on a CBBC programme. I told him that I would ring the local Doctor to get it sorted. We have used the over the counter stuff for warts but he picks at them and they bleed so we have to wait for it to heal and start a again. A vicious circle.

After a lengthily shower I got Boy Wonder dressed and Cat Girl sorted and we went down for breakfast. Boy Wonder started to complain about feeling sick and went very quiet.

We arrived at school and I spoke to his teacher about him feeling unwell and that he had been complaining on and off about feeling sick or having tummy ache throughout the weekend. I asked her to call me if she thought he needed to come home and reassured him of the same.

I didn't receive a call and picked them both up after school football and club for Cat Girl. Boy Wonder had been to Art Therapy and said that he didn't feel sick whilst there but he did before at school and when he came back. Cat Girl said that she had a sore throat and then quickly retracted it when she thought that I would give her some medicine! I checked her anyway and she seemed fine.

At home they both had tea and Boy Wonder went to his room to play Minecraft. Superman came home and spent some time with him whilst I took Cat Girl swimming. After further road rage in the car park due to no parking spaces and silly driving ( not from me of course!) we arrived at Cat Girl's lesson. She did very well and seemed to actually swim today. Progress!!

Once home I discussed with Boy Wonder that I would be away tomorrow night with work and went through what would happen. He became very upset and said that he didn't know what he would do without me. I asked him to come downstairs and we could settle down together. 'Oh no it's okay,' he said ' Minecraft gives me happy spirits so I will be fine !' In a strange sort of way I was reassured by that. If any other child had said it, it would have been mortifying, however with Boy Wonder it seemed very different! Cat Girl was a little upset when I told her but was okay because she has her  Daddy.   Looks like its a guilt free night off for me then!

Cat Girl settled down in bed and Boy Wonder watched a bit more Minecraft before going to bed to read. He still looks very tired and was complaining of tummy ache before bed. Hopefully he will get some rest tonight.

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