Boy Wonder was difficult to rouse this morning. He had finally got to sleep in the early hours and probably managed two or three hours of restful sleep. He went into the shower and I then dried and dressed him before breakfast. I had to repeatedly ask him to stay still so that I could dress him. He perceived this as being told off and started hitting his head with his hands. After much needed diversion techniques, he calmed and we went downstairs.
Boy Wonder sang constantly whilst having breakfast and did so with a very obvious lisp. I asked him not to do this but it didn't seem to be something that he had full control over.
I spent some of the day sending emails to the local authority and various professionals regarding the pending meeting.
The school day came and went and Boy Wonder returned with a Gold award although he wasn't overly clear what this was for. We congratulated him anyway! Biker Gramps took him to dance and Cat Girl to Ju Jitsu whilst Superman and I attended a review with Boy Wonder's Psychiatrist and Art Therapist.
The review concluded that it is likely that Boy Wonder is depressed as his recent presentation appears to be self directed anxiety / self harm and low mood rather than the previous anger outbursts directed at others. She asked to see him to assess this more thoroughly in the next week. We agreed that the art therapy would continue on the basis that it is providing a much needed sanctuary but with the updated information, the therapist said he would attempt to probe a little further when anxiety presented itself, albeit in a mild form.
I went on to evening meeting and Superman picked up the children and went onto football club. When they arrived home it was late, however Boy Wonder was still awake well into the early hours.
We received a letter today from the old school's solicitor stating that they weren't taking any action after all over perceived outstanding school fees from over two years ago when we had to remove Boy Wonder due to his condition not being accepted and him becoming ill with anxiety. We were so looking forward to a day in court too, to make a point!!
Today also brought the day of the meeting. Boy Wonder started his morning again with a period of self harm which he directed at his punch bag once I stopped him from hitting himself. This wasn't in a controlled manner and he ended up kicking and punching the wall after missing his target.
Cat Girl was very excited as she was going to her friend's for tea! We were also looking forward to our bedroom furniture being delivered this morning after years of having the most neglected room in the house! It looks fabulous now, our own little sanctuary.
The meeting was a fairly productive and positive one which is the first time we have actually thought this! The OT is going into school next week to discuss the implementation of the sensory diet. This will be the decider in a lot of ways as if it is agreed, it will take Boy Wonder over his allocated hours. The EP stated that he had requested a second opinion for his own work and to provide clarity and the independent EP provided a graphic description of her observations which really seemed to put matters into perspective. We spoke about Boy Wonder's possible depressed state and the Monday night incident and the medical appointments that are pending.
This evening, although Boy Wonder appeared to be presenting 'okay,' he was communicating that he was a 'bad boy' in messages to Super Gran. She responded with positive reinforcement but I guess this is the depressive element to his changing presentation that the Psychiatrist wants to explore further. He fell to sleep at just after 11pm.
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