Saturday 1 February 2014

A Late Night for Cat Girl

After very little sleep until the early hours, we all ended up overlaying until 7.30am which meant lots of rushing about. This was further hindered by Boy Wonder's lack of comprehension about the matter. Cat Girl also decided to stamp her feet which meant that we were very nearly late for school!

Superman picked them up from school and they had tea before a visit from Grandparents and slightly older cousin. They were babysitting tonight as we were going out for my sister's birthday. We had been very concerned about going out due to Boy Wonder's emotional state but he did seem to because little brighter so we took a chance.

We enjoyed our evening of adult company and nice food accompanied by live music. Boy Wonder spent all of his time on Minecraft with Cat Girl and cousin. They were all still at it when we returned. Cat Girl was very tired!

Saturday brought Cat Girl's Ju Jitsu grading first thing. She was still tired and very emotional. Lots if tears and yawning. Luckily she pulled herself together for the grading and did very well. She is now a two stripe! Boy Wonder went to dance afterwards and then out with his sessional worker. They went to the cinema with another child and worker which he seemed to enjoy.

I took Cat Girl to a party at a play centre. She really enjoyed it but looked very tired. We left with a lovely party bag and a heart balloon with a light in it.  The weather was incredibly windy and when we got home,, the wind whipped it out if her hands and it blew away. Cat Girl was very upset  and more emotional than ever.

Boy Wonder returned and agreed to let Cat Girl watch Minecraft with him to cheer her up! After an hour, Cat Girl went to bed and Boy Wonder did some reading and writing.

1 comment:

  1. Poor CG, its the end of the world when your balloon flies away xxx
